ABCI Congratulates 2019 Aviation Sales and Marketing Scholarship Recipients

October 16, 2018
Salt Lake City, Utah

Aviation Business Consultants International (ABCI) is pleased to award four unique scholarships to sales and marketing professionals in the Aviation Industry.

Caile Chamberlain and Jillian Wise are the winners of this year’s scholarship, valued at over $4000 each.   John Chvatal and Alexis Creedy were runners-up who earned similar packages valued at $3,500 each.

Aviation Sales & Marketing Scholarship Winner Caile Chamberlain

Caile Chamberlain

Aviation Sales & Marketing Scholarship Winner Jillian Wise

Jillian Wise

Aviation Sales & Marketing Scholarship Runner Up John Chvatal

John Chvatal

Aviation Sales & Marketing Lab Scholarship Runner Up Alexis Creedy

Alexis Creedy

Scholarship recipients were chosen based on two essays – the first about how they will use the resources provided by the scholarship, the second about how they will use the skills and experience they bring to benefit the group.

The Aviation Sales and Marketing Lab is a group of ABCI clients and industry thought leaders who share strategies, tactics and results.  The Lab also includes an Aviation Sales Basics Certification Course, a Book Club, marketing and SEO tools and software.  The two primary winners will also receive custom one-on-one consulting.

“I’m really impressed with the quality of applications,” said Paula Williams, President of ABCI. “And I really want to thank our Scholarship Committee who did such a lot of hard work in getting the word out and helping us find the best possible candidates.  Benet Wilson, Joni Lampert Schultz, Jeffrey Stodola, Kathryn Creedy and Kasey Dixon, as well as John Williams, who made this possible.”

Highlights from the applications include statements about how recipients plan to benefit from the scholarship.

“I have found that a lot of sales information and messages are often overlooked with other various aviation-related topics. I hope by becoming a member of the group that I can extend a relationship to those who are primarily focused on perfecting sales techniques and marketing strategies within the industry. While I look forward to those who provide mentorship, I hope to add value and bring a fresh, modern look to various presentations and share my own techniques used in the sales force,” wrote Chamberlain.

“I am confident in my ability to manage a portfolio and meet customer expectations, but I am hoping the program will help me to improve my self-marketing and solidify my foundation for my career to take flight,” wrote Wise.

Scholarship recipients also wrote about their intentions to “give back” to the group.

“My background in business aviation and experience in the banking industry will also provide a different perspective to the group and new insights on the financial side of the aviation industry. I am concurrently pursing the Chartered Financial Analyst designation, which I hope to complete next summer.” Wrote Wise.

“Whether it’s running through a mock sales meeting, talking about a great book or simply chatting through a brief marketing plan, I strive to have a positive, friendly disposition within the community who is simply passionate about making the aviation industry better. I hope to use the tools this scholarship would provide me to create innovative content that other community members can gain inspiration and knowledge from. Finally, It is my goal to inspire other young professionals to never give up and to stay resilient when perusing their career goals. I want others to know that it is natural to struggle, but that the community leaders are here for the next generation and want continued success for young aviation professionals,” added Chamberlain.

While Wise and Chamberlain fit the scholarship requirements as outlined, the committee argued that Chvatal and Creedy would also be valuable additions to the group.

“John Chvatal has a passion for aviation photography and a unique technical background, and Alexis Creedy has a focus on drones and safety that has not been on our radar but should be.  Expanding the diversity of our knowledge base is incredibly important to the chemistry of the group,” said Williams. “Sometimes the best relationships happen when you’re open to things a little outside of your expectations!”

The scholarships were formally announced at ABCI’s NBAA Networking Kickoff Breakfast at the Marriott Grande Vista Grill in Orlando Florida on Tuesday, October 16, just before the largest annual business aviation convention.

“It’s a great note to start the convention, and we wholeheartedly welcome these two into an already amazing group.” Added Williams. “Magical things happen when you put good people together, and the background these two women bring to the table is beyond what we could have hoped for to add to the mix. We really look forward to see how they grow and change the dynamics of the group and the level of interaction we have with our members this year.”

About ABCI –

Aviation Business Consultants International (ABCI) is a marketing company that assists aviation- related companies to market more effectively and sell more of their products and services. ABCI brings technologies and “inbound” marketing techniques from the finance and technology fields to the aviation industry, and focuses on measurable, content-rich, “long cycle” marketing of complex or high-value products and services.

About the Aviation Sales and Marketing Lab –

After informally introducing clients to one another on several occasions, ABCI founders Paula and John Williams noticed that these introductions often led to creative referrals, co-marketing arrangements, and other mutually profitable endeavors.

ABCI created a private social media group, a book club, interactive webinars, in-person events and other resources to foster these relationships among aviation companies. Silver and Gold level members also receive one-on-one sales and marketing consulting services, in the form of “office hours,” at deeply discounted rates.

More information about the Marketing Lab can be found at