I was just browsing the net and stumbled upon this beautiful website. I would like to let the webmaster know that they are doing a great job with this site. I am also working to develop my own website as well. Unfortunately, things aren’t going so well, but I do not understand much about web design. I have tried really hard, but things just aren’t working for me. I have been using wordpres and doing the best that I can though. If someone has knowledge of web design and would like give me any ideas, I would love to here them.
My website is here: [url=http://www.NOPRESCRIPTION-PHARMACY-ONLINE.INFO]online pharmacy no prescription[/url] My site is actually not a online pharmacy, it is just a blog about them.
Thank You and I would greatly appreciate any comments.
July 22, 2009 at 7:50 pm
tks for the effort you put in here I appreciate it!
I just wanted to drop in and mention how-do-you-do to everyone. I wanted to acquaint me, my name is Ashley.
I determined to post now because I think forum as a whole is very functional and friendly place. I enjoy reading all of the issues and threads here and taking into consideration that I am not much of a poster, I came to the conclusion to create my very initial topic.
I just created my first website and desired to share it with everyone and get some constructive feedback.
The site is [url=http://computerrepair101.wetpaint.com]computer repair[/url]
I am new and wanted to create a brand new post to acquaint myself. My name is Erik and I stumbled this place by a quick Google and preferred to just say hi. I would prefer to engage in upcoming topics and look onward to speaking with all.
My best hobby is [url=http://www.squidoo.com/onlinecomputerrepair101]computer repair[/url]
This is very inforamtive stuff. My comment is that The key to navigating uncertain times is to understand what you already know. The private air charter industry exists at the pleasure of those who are generous enough to buy an aircraft for the local, regional, or national charter operation of their choice. Being smart about investing in that aircraft typically means understanding all the dynamics that erode the fixed, variable, and true depreciation costs.
October 7, 2009 at 10:45 am
I think most aviation investors would like to think they’re being shrewd rather than generous, but you’re absolutely right. When John does due diligence to buy and aircraft he puts together three or four pages of spreadsheets to value the investment.
In the aviation paradigm this leaves me wondering how will any FBO, charter firm, etc. actually get anyone to read mail. We are an industry of spammers. The NBAA lists and empty legs alone are a testament to vacuous mail that has little or no value, but yet swamps your inbox.
October 7, 2009 at 10:42 am
Good point. People are becoming more advertising-resistant and skeptical. The old ways of advertising aren’t working as well as they used to!
You know that you can pour an infinite amount of time and money into an airplane and still never make it off the ground without good decision-making, and without using the right tools and the right technology. Companies receiving federal aid are going to have to disclose publicly all the perks and luxuries bestowed upon senior executives, and provide an explanation to the taxpayers and to shareholders as to why these expenses are justified.
Hi dude i am new to this. Just thought that i would say hello to everyone! dont really know
what else to say.I love sms, nothing else to say so bye
Great post! I’ll subscribe right now wth my feedreader software!
I was just browsing the net and stumbled upon this beautiful website. I would like to let the webmaster know that they are doing a great job with this site. I am also working to develop my own website as well. Unfortunately, things aren’t going so well, but I do not understand much about web design. I have tried really hard, but things just aren’t working for me. I have been using wordpres and doing the best that I can though. If someone has knowledge of web design and would like give me any ideas, I would love to here them.
My website is here: [url=http://www.NOPRESCRIPTION-PHARMACY-ONLINE.INFO]online pharmacy no prescription[/url] My site is actually not a online pharmacy, it is just a blog about them.
Thank You and I would greatly appreciate any comments.
tks for the effort you put in here I appreciate it!
I just wanted to drop in and mention how-do-you-do to everyone. I wanted to acquaint me, my name is Ashley.
I determined to post now because I think forum as a whole is very functional and friendly place. I enjoy reading all of the issues and threads here and taking into consideration that I am not much of a poster, I came to the conclusion to create my very initial topic.
I just created my first website and desired to share it with everyone and get some constructive feedback.
The site is [url=http://computerrepair101.wetpaint.com]computer repair[/url]
I am new and wanted to create a brand new post to acquaint myself. My name is Erik and I stumbled this place by a quick Google and preferred to just say hi. I would prefer to engage in upcoming topics and look onward to speaking with all.
My best hobby is [url=http://www.squidoo.com/onlinecomputerrepair101]computer repair[/url]
This is very inforamtive stuff. My comment is that The key to navigating uncertain times is to understand what you already know. The private air charter industry exists at the pleasure of those who are generous enough to buy an aircraft for the local, regional, or national charter operation of their choice. Being smart about investing in that aircraft typically means understanding all the dynamics that erode the fixed, variable, and true depreciation costs.
I think most aviation investors would like to think they’re being shrewd rather than generous, but you’re absolutely right. When John does due diligence to buy and aircraft he puts together three or four pages of spreadsheets to value the investment.
In the aviation paradigm this leaves me wondering how will any FBO, charter firm, etc. actually get anyone to read mail. We are an industry of spammers. The NBAA lists and empty legs alone are a testament to vacuous mail that has little or no value, but yet swamps your inbox.
Good point. People are becoming more advertising-resistant and skeptical. The old ways of advertising aren’t working as well as they used to!
Thanks for the comment!
You know that you can pour an infinite amount of time and money into an airplane and still never make it off the ground without good decision-making, and without using the right tools and the right technology. Companies receiving federal aid are going to have to disclose publicly all the perks and luxuries bestowed upon senior executives, and provide an explanation to the taxpayers and to shareholders as to why these expenses are justified.
My brother would love this post. We were not too long ago talking about this. hehe
To all Hi! Check my Blog about technology.