Episode 6 – The Benefits of a System, and Automating Your Marketing- An Interview with Colin Daymude

If you were to run a marathon, you would be much more successful if you spend several weeks or months preparing for it, rather than simply “winging it.”

Topics we cover in this conversation:

  • Why a system is important, even (or especially) for small businesses who don’t have any money to waste.
  • How Henry Ford didn’t invent the automobile, but became successful by automating the process
  • How “slacking off” after the sale is why businesses (and marriages!) often fail
  • How most businesses become overwhelmed with the first three phases:

The Eight Phases of the Perfect Customer Lifecycle

  1. Generating Interest
  2. Capturing Leads
  3. Educating and building trust
  4. Converting the lead
  5. Processing the sale
  6. Fulfilling,  “wowing” & educating
  7. Upselling and cross-selling
  8. Creating advocates (testimonials, referrals, continuing the relationship)

Colin Daymude is an entrepreneur, national speaker, trainer, coach and author of 4 books and numerous industry white papers, Colin founded The Annual Mortgage Marketing Review Conference and was former CEO of the fastest growing training company in the US. Colin has personally and/or through Infusionsoft consulted with thousands of businesses and has been described as being on the “cutting edge as a speaker and marketing expert”.

Colin coordinates partner relationships for Infusionsoft and understands entrepreneurs.

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 The Benefits of a System, and Automating Your Marketing An Interview with Colin Daymude
