If your cash flow is going upwards, downwards and backwards, you should consider a more methodical approach to marketing to create a more predictable, regular upward spiral.
I’ve had several versions of this same conversation with people when they ask about marketing.
“The problem is that when business is good, I have no need for marketing. When business is bad, I have no money for marketing!”
“You know what I’m going to say, right?”
“Probably that if I was more consistent with marketing I wouldn’t have this roller coaster going on with my business.”
“That’s exactly right!”
Most people understand the common sense of marketing. They just get busy with the day-to-day problems and succession of urgent details that come with doing business. Or they feel overwhelmed with the enormity of building a complete marketing system, or they are worried about an additional expense when, like our example above, they don’t have the money to invest.
So they continue to commit “random acts of marketing,” rather than building a consistent, reliable, powerful marketing system.
If this describes you, then you are exactly the person for whom we designed the Marketing Master Class.
If you can commit to one hour per week (choose any hour you like!) watch a video, decide on a few key items from the Action List and do them with the help of our detailed workbooks, you can be well on your way to a more reliable, consistent flow of customers that increases every month.
Even better, you’ll be motivated – when was the last time you got prizes for doing your homework! Each month we have a “Show Your Work Challenge” – we feature the best examples on our blog (more publicity for you!) or we will keep your work confidential if you’d prefer it that way. Either way, student who complete the Show Your Work Challenge and the enclosed survey receive an additional gift with the following month’s course materials – usually a book or software to further improve their marketing efforts. Some of our students have earned hundreds of dollars in prizes!
We cover one topic each month in depth. The topic for October is Advanced Pre-Sale and Closing Activities. How much better would your bottom line look if more of the opportunities that came your way resulted in sales?
You can do this!
When is the best time to join? Before the end of the year, because you’ll save a lot of money!
We add new features to the Marketing Master Class every year, and the cost for new members increases.
As long as you remain continuously enrolled, your tuition will not go up.
The $270 enrollment fee includes a complete two-inch binder with all of the course materials and DVDs for the year – so you’ll get all of the materials for topics we’ve covered so far. Your $79 per month tuition includes a Priority Mail package each month with the new video and workbook for the current month’s materials, and you’ll also have online access to all of these materials.
We personally review your homework assignments, answer your questions and make suggestions for improvement. And even better, you’ll have access right away to a lot of great information to start improving your marketing results immediately- just in time to make the most of those contacts and opportunities you’ll be collecting at NBAA and other trade shows this fall.
If you join in 2012, it will cost you $310 to enroll and $129 a month in commission, and you won’t have access to the 2011 course materials, which will be archived at the end of the year and sold separately.
The Marketing Master Class was designed for aviation professionals, not for marketing experts or for computer geniuses. You don’t have to know everything already, you just have to know your own business and your product or service.
Here’s what students have said on LinkedIn:
You have complete control. You’ll have a better understanding of marketing basics and principles. You’ll learn about new tools and technologies – their advantages AND their limitations. You’ll be able to make better decisions about how to invest time and money in building a consistent, powerful marketing system that serves the needs of your business and your cash flow.
So, make the commitment today!
- Commit to one hour a week
- Master one topic a month
- Build one powerful and reliable marketing system over time
We’ll see you “in class!”
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You have great insights about marketing. I will surely come again. Thanks.