Several times a year, Google changes the algorithm that it uses to determine which sites to display first in search engine results.

This means that if you “optimize” your pages to adapt to the new changes, chances are more likely that your site will be shown first to people interested in your product or service that use a search engine to look for it.

Google marketing

Google Algorithm will Favor Sites that are “Mobile Friendly”

In its latest announcement, Google indicated that the next change, scheduled for April 21, 2015, will favor sites that are “mobile friendly,” meaning that they are formatted to look good and function properly on a smart phone or tablet.

Of course, search engines aside, this can have a significant impact for many companies.  Twenty to 55% of the traffic to our clients’ websites come from mobile devices!

Is your site ready?

ABCI is offering a limited number of free SEO and site design consultations to help aviation companies prepare for this change.

We’ll research your site, and then spend 30 minutes with you. During that time, we’ll briefly cover:

  • Does Google see your site as “mobile ready?”
  • How does your website score for the keywords you’re most interested in?
  • How can you get more traffic to your website?
  • How can you “convert” your website visitors into actionable leads or prospects, and ultimately into loyal customers?

Complete the form below today – we’ll do consultations on a first-come, first-served, time available basis.

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