Flight School Marketing

March 2011

November 2010

Every Employed Person Is a Salesperson (At Least Part-Time!)


"Sales" is often thought of as a very specific business function and a very specific profession. Many businesspeople like to keep their distance from sales, since it is seen as somewhat unsavory. Whether we admit it or not, though, we're all in sales.

Every Employed Person Is a Salesperson (At Least Part-Time!)2024-09-06T04:23:48+00:00

September 2010

Flight School Marketing – Attracting Your Ideal Student


You probably also know that you have two main segments of students - one segment includes career-oriented students looking for jobs in the aviation industry, the other is recreational flyers. Your marketing strategy should be different, depending on which group you're intending to attract. If you want to attract both, you'll need two separate marketing campaigns.

Flight School Marketing – Attracting Your Ideal Student2021-06-16T00:15:53+00:00

July 2009

June 2009

Airline Industry Update from ATP


Good news - it's a good time to be a flight student, a good time to be a flight instructor, and, if you can hold on a bit, it's a good time to be a pilot!

Airline Industry Update from ATP2018-09-05T07:43:20+00:00

May 2009

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