Aviation Marketing Articles & Advice
We help aviation professionals sell more of their products and services.
When aviation professionals get better at sales and marketing, makes the whole industry better!
Recorded Live – Aviation Industry Resales, Recaptures & Referrals
Free Workshop -Aviation Industry Resales, Recaptures, & Referrals Resales, recaptures, and referral campaigns are the most profitable campaigns you can run in the aviation industry. With a great product or service, it's so much [...]
Book Club Discussion – Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller
Join Paula, John, and John Davies, aircraft appraiser and owner of JAMM Aircraft appraisals. JAMM's adorable canine VP, Chewy, also makes an appearance. We discuss Marketing Made Simple by Donald Miller, why the simplest [...]
Seven Ways to Use Customer Service Interactions as an Opportunity to Build Brand Equity
Customer service interactions are an important opportunity for a company to build brand equity and encourage testimonials and referrals. Here are some ways a company can do this: Consistent brand messaging - Ensure that [...]
Aviation Branding Opportunity – Your New Customer Welcome Package
Most companies are too heavy-handed with their branding in initial advertising. We think your ads, your website home page, other “first contact” opportunities should be branded very lightly. Your logo should be be barely [...]
Building an Aviation Brand That Flies
Looking to take your aviation brand to new heights? Join us for a one-hour workshop on Building an Aviation Brand that Flies! Designed for sales and marketing professionals in the aviation industry, this workshop [...]
Book Club Discussion – This is Marketing by Seth Godin
This is Marketing by Seth Godin is actually the third Seth Godin book we've reviewed in our Book Club - (We've also read Tribes and All Marketers Tell Lies.) Paula Williams, John Williams and [...]
On conspiracy theorists, earrings, and how prejudices can keep us from making sales.
So, all of us have prejudices we didn’t know we had, and the best marketers and sales folks among us have learned to manage those prejudices. And these prejudices are not what we think [...]