Aviation Marketing Articles

September 2011

Press Release – AeroStar provides answers and solutions to students seeking advanced flight training.


“The career path for aviation students has changed,” indicated Deidra Toye, the Admissions Director at Aerostar. “Aspiring airline captains used to work for years as flight instructors or charter services to build up time. Airlines worldwide are looking for qualified pilots with type ratings. With this new approach, you might as well get paid while you build time in type.”

Press Release – AeroStar provides answers and solutions to students seeking advanced flight training.2025-01-31T04:42:00+00:00

Relationship Marketing with Brad Harris of Dallas Jet International


Brad answers these and other questions for us: The economy has been really terrible lately; but you’ve had an excellent year so far. Why is that? How have the demographics of airplane buyers changed in the last few years, and what has DJI done to adapt to that? A really large number of people who have purchased from you in the past purchase from you more than once. How do you keep those relationships going?

Relationship Marketing with Brad Harris of Dallas Jet International2025-01-31T04:41:58+00:00

A Twist on Labor Day – A Salute to the People Who Work the Hardest


Labor Day was initially intended to celebrate the contribution of working people, not necessarily business owners. The media sometimes makes it look as though business owners are all sitting on a beach somewhere with a cold drink with a little umbrella in it, bought with the proceeds of sweat from the brows of working people on their payrolls. But I would argue that things have changed - if that was ever a case.

A Twist on Labor Day – A Salute to the People Who Work the Hardest2018-09-05T07:42:21+00:00

August 2011

Tactics vs. Strategy


Many people in aviation have a military background. Yet many of the people we talk to don't apply that "military intelligence" and discipline to their marketing. One of the key concepts in both the military and in marketing is the separation of strategy vs. tactics.

Tactics vs. Strategy2024-09-06T04:23:45+00:00

Old Rules, New Rules, & Reality in Aviation Marketing


While we agree with Meerman-Scott that the web has transformed marketing, we know that a great advertisement is still a powerful part of a campaign. ABCI also subscribes to the theory that aviation companies are typically not Coke or Pepsi. Traditional brand advertising is not the best use of funds or the most successful way to reach aviation decision makers.

Old Rules, New Rules, & Reality in Aviation Marketing2024-09-06T04:23:45+00:00

Aviation Advertising with Jim Gorman of Gorman 360


On today's show we talk with Jim Gorman of Gorman 360, a former ad agency exec who has won recognition from Cannes, The One Show, Kellys, Addys, Andys, IBAs, Mobius, Clios, Direct Marketing Echoes, and Effies.

Aviation Advertising with Jim Gorman of Gorman 3602021-01-07T21:09:12+00:00

July 2011

Responses to our Aviation Marketing Survey So Far


We launched a survey to find out what Aviation Professionals think of our Master Class topics for 2012, we have gotten some great responses so far - I thought I'd share what we've received to date on one of the questions: (wiseacres included!)

Responses to our Aviation Marketing Survey So Far2025-01-31T04:41:57+00:00

“Just Do It” – How to Create a Great Theme Line- Upcoming Podcast with Jim Gorman


We write great content for aviation companies, but the elusive and mythical tagline is something we could all use help with. We have the illusion that the great ones just drop out of the sky onto the business owner or marketing director's head, fully formed and perfect. Lightening strikes, thunder rolls, angels sing and we have no doubt that it's "the one." The reality is not always so dramatic and clear.

“Just Do It” – How to Create a Great Theme Line- Upcoming Podcast with Jim Gorman2024-09-06T04:23:45+00:00

How to Attract a More Affluent Clientele


In the course of market research, many of our clients find that they need to attract more affluent clients. This is often a great strategy, for the obvious reason that higher-end clients have more money to spend, but also because they are often people with business experience so they're easier to work with. They often have more influence in their communities, so if they like what you do, they're more likely to make referrals.

How to Attract a More Affluent Clientele2021-05-30T07:29:48+00:00

June 2011

Marketing Plans – The Tortoise vs. The Hare


Most companies, under most circumstances, don't have the need or the resources for that kind of massive media blitz. While it was successful for the circumstances we were in, most companies don't have those kinds of deadlines (or those kinds of budgets!)

Marketing Plans – The Tortoise vs. The Hare2025-01-31T04:41:58+00:00
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