Aviation Marketing Articles

November 2010

Ad Preflight Service


You spend a lot of money every time you place an ad in a periodical, every time you mail a sales letter or direct mail piece, or even every time you launch an online campaign or online ad. Shouldn't you give it an independent preflight inspection?

Ad Preflight Service2018-09-05T07:42:57+00:00

Aviation Marketing – Are You Giving Too Much Away?


I talk with a lot of aviation consultants, tax, insurance, legal, operations and software folks. Since their expertise is what they "sell," they are concerned that writing articles, brochures, books or blogs would be "giving too much away." After all, if they answer people's questions, potential customers won't need them, right?

Aviation Marketing – Are You Giving Too Much Away?2024-09-06T04:23:39+00:00

Aviation Marketing and Business Development – What To Expect When Working with ABCI


The first thing that you should know is that we are a full-service marketing firm, but we're intentionally very small. This ensures that we have absolute control over the quality of every project. Unfortunately, it also means that we have to be very selective about how we spend our time.

Aviation Marketing and Business Development – What To Expect When Working with ABCI2024-09-06T04:23:39+00:00

October 2010

Social Media Glossary from NBAA Panel Discussion Session


This is the "Social Media Glossary" we distributed at the Social Media Panel Discussion at the NBAA Convention. I had a great time discussing social media topics with Patrick Dunne, NBAA; Jason Wolfe NBAA Airmail; Josh Mesinger, Mesinger Jet Sales; Jon Ostrower, FlightBlogger.

Social Media Glossary from NBAA Panel Discussion Session2025-01-31T04:40:34+00:00

The “Magic” of Getting Things Done


Marketing tends to fall to the bottom of the priority list because dealing with current customers seems more urgent than getting new ones. But when marketing tasks don't get done, revenue falls off, and your business could quickly find itself in trouble. We all need a little magic to conquer the piles of work we have to do. Automation is one of the most powerful "secrets" you can learn to getting things done.

The “Magic” of Getting Things Done2024-09-06T04:23:39+00:00

Aviation Trade Show Marketing


Trade shows can be a major expense, between booth rental (if you're presenting), travel cost, admission fees, literature, giveaways, and entertainment if you're seeing clients. How can you make the most of your investment?

Aviation Trade Show Marketing2018-09-05T07:43:00+00:00

September 2010

Aviation Marketing – Creating a Compelling Offer


I'm offering a space in my printed newsletter that gets delivered to 247 of my very favorite engaged, influential aviation professionals. This space will be given to the person who submits the VERY BEST OFFER that I receive by Friday. Presentation doesn't count - entries are limited to three sentences of text, no images, no videos, no websites, no dancing elephants.

Aviation Marketing – Creating a Compelling Offer2018-09-05T07:43:02+00:00

Flight School Marketing – Attracting Your Ideal Student


You probably also know that you have two main segments of students - one segment includes career-oriented students looking for jobs in the aviation industry, the other is recreational flyers. Your marketing strategy should be different, depending on which group you're intending to attract. If you want to attract both, you'll need two separate marketing campaigns.

Flight School Marketing – Attracting Your Ideal Student2021-06-16T00:15:53+00:00

Aviation Marketing – When “Do-It-Yourself” Isn’t the Answer


It opens a whole world of possibilities when you can rely on people that have different skill sets than you do. A great marketing project may require strategists, writers, artists, website technicians, printers, and stakeholders to work together in a way that makes the most of everyone's skills.

Aviation Marketing – When “Do-It-Yourself” Isn’t the Answer2021-04-30T23:01:26+00:00
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