Aviation Sales & Marketing Book Club
It's nice to get people with three different business backgrounds to discuss a book - which is what we did [...]
You could argue that aviation sales is all about consulting, and aviation consulting is all about sales.If you define consulting [...]
Mickey and I discuss The Marketing Book by Jason McDonald Some key points- Differences between B2G, B2C, and B2B Marketing [...]
Five aviation marketing professionals discuss the classic by Steven Covey - we share our favorite habits, and what's changed since [...]
Join us for this discussion of the Speed of Trust by Stephen MR Covey. Debbie Murphy of Jet Brokers [...]
Dan S. Kennedy's classic No BS Marketing to the Affluent is in its third edition. Since we're in aviation marketing [...]
This book topic is a great opportunity for us to talk about marketing for aviation consultants! Many of our clients [...]
John, Mickey and I discuss three key points from Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk Why should give [...]
We're all looking for the "Ultimate Marketing Plan," one brilliant, easy-to-follow masterpiece that will magically deliver our most profitable, [...]
Mickey, John and I discuss Seth Godin's All Marketers Tell Stories. Three key takewaways - Great marketers have to be [...]
Mickey, John and I meet IN PERSON in Las Vegas and talk about classic "Guerilla Marketing" by Jay Conrad [...]
John and I discuss Tim Ferris' weighty tome, Tools of Titans and pick out our favorite "gems" for aviation sales [...]
John and I discuss Marketing a Love Story by Bernadette Jiwa. This tiny, but powerful book that sparks some great [...]
Our book club selection for June was Growth Hacker Marketing by Ryan Holiday. We're a little late discussing it because, [...]
Book Club Discussion - Elon Musk by Ashlee Vance We liked it more than we thought we would - quite [...]
John and I discuss Richard Branson's second autobiography, and what it means for aviation sales and marketing professionals. Book Club [...]
John and I discuss the b2b sales classic Same Game, New Rules by Bill Caskey, especially how it relates to [...]
In this episode, John and I discuss our experience of reading the book, Blue Ocean Shift by W Chan Kim [...]
John and I discuss Chris Brogan and Julien Smith's book, The Impact Equation, and what aviation sales and marketing professionals [...]
Kathryn Creedy, John Williams and I discuss David Meerman Scott's book, The New Rules of Marketing and PR. Specifically, we [...]