Darwinism Among Sales & Marketing Professionals – “Survival of the Honest”
Paula Williams2024-09-06T04:23:46+00:00I was talking with Southwest's Jonathan Nield the other day, and found out that he is getting back into the [...]
I was talking with Southwest's Jonathan Nield the other day, and found out that he is getting back into the [...]
There are some very specific circumstances in which you actually WANT to recommend your competitor's product. There are always differences [...]
There is probably no better Information Technology (IT) folks around than those on our staff! They are absolute wizards and [...]
ABCI - John & Paula Williams ABCI improves the profitability of aviation industry by providing full-service, results oriented [...]
You've heard the metaphor about the duck, haven't you? The duck looks pretty serene when you watch them glide across [...]
Many of us dream of writing the Great American Novel someday. When we have time. Yeah, right! But seriously, writing [...]
This is an excerpt from the workbook for Marketing Joint Ventures, our topic for April. If you're in the coaching [...]
Greenville, SC SSC recognizes that many businesspeople, especially in the Southeastern United States, have been working a lot more hours [...]
We sometimes find that companies are working against themselves. When a client says both of these things in our first [...]
Dear Coaching Program Members and Invited Guests: Our Guest Instructor this month is Captain David Santo of AeroStar Training Services, [...]
How to Buy Aviation Advertising for B2B Products & Services. Buying aviation advertising used to be pretty simple. The choices [...]
When we advise clients to write a blog or newsletter, they usually have no problem understanding the reasons for [...]
Every time we do that, we end up regretting it, going back for a landing, and starting again. Good procedures are there for a reason - they're developed over time by developing a set of best practices. They're a kind of shorthand that help us avoid mistakes and rework.
We took a few minutes at the Cygnus Aviation Expo to create a quick four and a half minute video with pointers on how to make your next trade show successful.
Good design is more than just visuals. Design includes information design - putting some thought into how a customer first encounters your company and what information is delivered in what order and what format. It also includes sales choreography - the steps you take to move a client from first contact to transaction. And of course it includes the technology design of your website.
In Forbes magazine on February 17, you may have read about how Target determined that a girl was pregnant and sent coupons to her home, surprising her family. While some find the story creepy, and others alarming, the larger question for people involved in sales and marketing is this: What are you going to do about it?
Everyone enjoys working with people they feel they know. Bob Jones makes ATP customers feel like “insiders” [...]
Perhaps these are the reasons that people marketing and selling aviation products and services tend to overlook the basic marketing principles of merchandising and packaging products and services.
Starting a business from scratch involves doing a lot of work yourself. Some of our clients are in start up/shoestring [...]
I often advise clients not to reduce their prices. That usually gets a response like this one. "But you don't [...]