I'm researching the Master Class lesson for May, which will be about using LinkedIn as a powerful marketing tool.
Here's the agenda so far:
* Reasons to be on LinkedIn
* Market research using LinkedIn
* Ethically “stalking” your ideal clients
* Optimizing your profile (including particularly fabulous examples of personal profiles of aviation professionals)
* Optimizing your company profile (including particularly fabulous examples of company profiles of aviation companies)
* Aviation groups on LinkedIn
* Group Etiquette
* Linked In Questions/Answers
* Buttons and Widgets for your website
* Is the paid version worth getting?
Please let me know if you know of any:
* Examples of particularly fabulous (or even pretty good) personal profiles on LinkedIn for aviation professionals (and yes, in this case it's perfectly okay to nominate yourself.)
* Examples of particularly fabulous (or even pretty good) company profiles on LinkedIn for aviation organizations (and yes, in this case it's perfectly okay to nominate your own company.)
* Questions, tips, tricks, and pet peeves about using LinkedIn.
* You don't have to be a member of the Master Class to share your thoughts and possibly be featured.
Thanks for your help!