Commissions and Royalties – Small Slices of a Bigger Pie
Paula Williams2019-06-11T02:01:22+00:00Explaining commissions and royalties by the numbers.
Explaining commissions and royalties by the numbers.
There are still two very good reasons to advertise in publications. First is associating your brand or product with the reputation of the magazine. The second is to reach their list.
The key objective of a corporate marketer is to please his or her boss. The key objective of a marketing firm is to please their clients and/or win Clio or Webby awards. The key objective of an entrepreneurial marketer is to make sales.
Here are three tried-and-true methods to generate great article ideas with real-world examples:
Here are some questions you should ask, whether you've done search engine optimization yourself or had a consultant do the work for you:
"Get someone else to blow your horn - and the sound will carry twice as far." - Will Rogers
A good ghostwriter is one of your best allies in marketing, PR and advertising. Establishing yourself as an expert in any given field may require public speaking, writing a blog, writing articles, posting to social media channels and other activities.
A key activity of anyone in business is to figure out what the customer is really after, then offer him the best value for his dollar. This doesn't necessarily equate to the cheapest product or the lowest fare.
But the economy has made it incumbent on all of us (pilots and marketing consultants, too!) to prove our worth. With charts and spreadsheets. Every day, every job, every flight.
Are you spending a lot of time and money on marketing without getting the results you expect? There are a [...]
In an airplane, pilots use the airspeed and altitude they’ve got to work with, and don’t waste a split second or an erg of energy arguing about why things should be different than they are. Indecision can get you killed.
We do a lot of things for our clients - we write great sales copy, direct mail, blog [...]
You might remember the old Burma Shave bilboards - from 1925 to 1963, series of six small billboards would appear along a roadway, usually rhyming and with a punchline. Series advertising works well in print and online media as well, for several reasons:
There are a number of technical tasks that need to be done, and there is software that can help with some of those technical tasks. But to be effective, search engine optimization requires a human to do some thinking, followed by some writing. As far as I know, there is nobody who has invented a piece of software that can completely optimize a site. There are some pieces of software that handle certain tasks, some better than others. But to allow a software program to optimize your site unsupervised is asking for results similar to a Bing commercial.
The annoying thing about interruption marketing is that it requires a screaming headline or a shocking claim to make you actually stop driving down the road listening to the radio to pull over and write down a phone number. Or stop reading the story in the magazine you were in the middle of and pull out a cell phone. Or stop reading your email and click a link or go to a web site.
The Aviation Blog - Who, why, and how! You've heard that blogging is a great way to market your [...]
Ninety percent of the advertising and marketing flooding the market today (including, I'll admit it, some of mine!) fails because it fails to answer four questions.
"Could you have a look at our website? We've spent a lot of money on an expensive designer. I just [...]
People ask us about Twitter marketing for aviation, and Twitter PR for aviation. You don't need to have a catastrophic [...]
It's very important for ABCI to get our Search Engine Optimization clients' web sites to the first page of Google [...]