Aviation Marketing Articles

August 2010

July 2010

Aviation Marketing – The Magic of a Series


You might remember the old Burma Shave bilboards - from 1925 to 1963, series of six small billboards would appear along a roadway, usually rhyming and with a punchline. Series advertising works well in print and online media as well, for several reasons:

Aviation Marketing – The Magic of a Series2018-09-05T07:43:10+00:00

June 2010

Why great Search Engine Optimization Will Always Require the Mind of a Writer


There are a number of technical tasks that need to be done, and there is software that can help with some of those technical tasks. But to be effective, search engine optimization requires a human to do some thinking, followed by some writing. As far as I know, there is nobody who has invented a piece of software that can completely optimize a site. There are some pieces of software that handle certain tasks, some better than others. But to allow a software program to optimize your site unsupervised is asking for results similar to a Bing commercial.

Why great Search Engine Optimization Will Always Require the Mind of a Writer2024-09-06T04:23:33+00:00

Don’t You Hate Marketing that Interrupts What You’re Doing?


The annoying thing about interruption marketing is that it requires a screaming headline or a shocking claim to make you actually stop driving down the road listening to the radio to pull over and write down a phone number. Or stop reading the story in the magazine you were in the middle of and pull out a cell phone. Or stop reading your email and click a link or go to a web site.

Don’t You Hate Marketing that Interrupts What You’re Doing?2021-04-01T23:34:32+00:00

May 2010

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