Weekend of Marketing with Dan Kennedy
Paula Williams2018-09-05T07:43:12+00:00Books for the Dan Kennedy Workshop I make it a point to go to a couple of educational [...]
Books for the Dan Kennedy Workshop I make it a point to go to a couple of educational [...]
Thanks to everyone who responded to our survey in April - we use this information to adjust our product and [...]
Business to Business (B to B) marketing is looking up, according to one article. But companies are still very cautious [...]
A case study is often a great first project to get to know ABCI. We do the research, conduct the interviews, and produce a draft and complete the revisions for a polished document, usually for under $3000 and often have the project completed in less than a week
Google search results for "Jet Photography" - not an easy term, there's lots of competition out there. Our client Taylor Greenwood is #4 today. Of course these results vary daily and regionally, but we're happy. :-)
By pinpointing the issues with your website, we help you focus your efforts to make the biggest improvements in the amount of traffic your site receives and the number of sales it makes. Let's get started on your site audit today!
Have you offered a product or service for free? As a trial or marketing strategy? How did it work for you?
For the past few months, I have been offering a free consultation to any aviation company that simply asks for [...]
It's great when a marketing person actually has the opportunity to be involved in pricing strategy.
So, how do you get these smart, discriminating customers to “fall in love” with your product or service? You take your time. You make information available and convenient, and you put together a long-term, sustained marketing plan that brings you to the front of their mind on a regular basis without making a pest of yourself.
Social Media Marketing has been touted as everything from “free advertising” to “a public relations nightmare.” What’s the reality?
Specializing in seamless Inventory and Business Management using Web 2.0 Technology
I recently received a New Client Questionnaire that was extraordinary. Of course, most of them are extraordinary. Only people who [...]
Anyone who has ever been stopped in his tracks by a gorgeous photograph of an aircraft in a magazine or a banner at a convention understands the power of visual images in aviation marketing.
People put a lot of time and money into their website design and then the find that it doesn’t get traffic, or maybe gets traffic but doesn’t convert that traffic into paying customers or even interested leads.
The most common question I've been asked by my aviation marketing clients and potential clients is this: "What should I be doing with Twitter?"
The study asked marketers to rank the value of social media platforms. Here are the results:
The best person to ask about the use of pen-names is someone who has had a successful, high-profile career in social media in the aviation industry using a pen name or pseudonym, Max Flight!
November 1, 2009 - Aviation Business Consultants International (ABCI) today announced that they have been engaged as a marketing partner for Taylor Greenwood Aviation Photography.
Photos from NBAA09! This was our first trip to the annual NBAA convention, people we visited with said that attendance was down, but that this was a good thing.