Nothing happens until somebody sells something.

If you get good at sales, you enable your whole company to provide products and services, to pay your people better, to have revenue for research and development – it all starts with good sales!

Aviation Sales Foundations –  we wrote this course basically because we had a lot of people who were getting leads that didn’t really know what to do with them, they never really had a background in sales. Or they were coming from sales from another place, either automotive or real estate, or something like that.

And they knew sales, but they didn’t necessarily know how to apply that in the aviation industry. So, our Aviation Sales foundations Course is our most complete course that we have right now. It’s designed to take about 12 weeks, but you can take it on your own time and do what you like with it and get through it faster or slower, or you know, whatever you like. But it will make sure that you’ve got the skills you need to be comfortable in a sales situation. And you will know how to set up the top 10 list of prospects.

You will know how to keep track of them and know the next step in the sales process for any of them. You know how to offer a good consultation and how to follow up. After a consultation, you will have some really good ideas about how to, you know, what to send and what phase of the sales process and things. So, the Aviation Sales Foundations Course, we really recommend it for anyone in any kind of a sales role, where they have to follow up on leads and process those leads and things like that.

You know, you can buy software, you can buy Salesforce, you can buy HubSpot, you can buy Activecampaign. You know, any of those things but though the software is just a tool and it shouldn’t be running the show. There are some specific things about the aviation industry that you really want to know before you begin using a tool to kind of AutoSum your prospect. So the Aviation Sales Foundations Course is something we really highly recommend