Are you thinking big enough?

What would it mean to your business if you could scale to 10X your current revenue?

Wouldn’t it be fun to find out? Join us for this discussion.

Debbie Murphy of JetBrokers, Eli Stepp of BizAvJet Inc and BizAvJets USA Magazine, and social media expert Muhammad Ali join us for this conversation.

Paula: I’m Paula Williams and I do aviation marketing with ABCI. And our mission is to help aviation companies sell more of their products and services.

Debbie: Hi, I’m Debbie Murphy. I’m the Vice President of Marketing for JetBrokers. We help our clients buy and sell jets and turboprops.

Eli: I’m familiar with JetBrokers. That’s great. My name is Eli Stepp. I provide field service, rep services for aviation maintenance tracking company, but I also have a small business aviation consulting company and co-owner and co publisher of BizAvJets USA magazine.

Paula: Great.

Debbie: I’m familiar with that.

Eli: Thank you.

Paula: It is. It’s a great publication. It looks like we have one more joining us. So we’ll handle that as needed. We’ll loop in and let Muhammad introduce himself in just a moment.

The 10X Rule and Grant Cardone. This is a really new thing for me. I had not read anything by Grant Cardone up until this point. So it was kind of a new exposure for me. I was actually really impressed. I’d just seen sound bites and quotes and things on the internet. And of course, he does a lot of those kinds of things. Great.

So, jumping into the book. I think Felicia did a really good summary of this in our online book club. She went chapter by chapter. And I think that was really, really helpful for me. I started reading the book and I switched to the audiobook because, frankly, reading the book was kind of making me crazy because it was kind of repetitive. But then when you started listening to him, it became a totally different experience. I don’t know if you guys did the audio or I mean, how you felt about all that.

Debbie: I read the book. I didn’t finish it because I found it repetitive. [crosstalk] [inaudible]

Eli: I did the audio.

Paula: You did the audio?

Eli: I did the audio. Yeah.

Debbie: That was better?

Eli: Yeah.

Paula: Yeah. And it’s read by the author.

Debbie: I have to try that.

Eli: The audio has a few tidbits that the written book doesn’t, and it says that during it, too.

Paula: Yeah. And I think honestly, the content of this entire book or the entire experience was really more about energy than it was about information. That’s probably why the audio works so much better because sometimes you want the book because you want to go back to the diagrams, you want to go back to some quotes and things like that. With this particular book and with Grant Cardone in particular, I think you have to listen to his voice in order to get… What I was doing is I was listening to this while I was working on graphics and other things. And I was just like, holy cow, I need to get my butt in gear. It was really very effective at being motivational in audio, and it wasn’t when I was just reading it. So that’s a cool thing. Do you want to go around and maybe talk about some of your favorite or least favorite things about… And I know, Eli, you’ve been to some of his live events. How was that experience?

Eli: I have been. Well, I’ll kind of address the book first and then talk about that.

Paula: Yeah. [inaudible]

Eli: One of the things that opened my mind about this particular book is really to think big. You always hear that and everything but the audio version it’s like, I’ll swear, write it down every day, you think big, not little. So that was one that affected me the most to be honest with you. Again, it is a motivational book. I didn’t go through each chapter before today’s meeting, so I’m just kind of going on memory.

Paula: Yeah, totally.

Eli: Let’s do it about three times. He’s got some other good books as well. It’s one of those things that he goes in every morning and every night and writes down his goals. He’s writing them down. And then that kind of leads him to act on those goals.

Paula: Right.

Eli: So what it made me do is I’m doing that same thing. What I found out when you first start, for about 14 days, you’re just writing stuff but between 14 and 21 days, your mind kind of turns a little bit and you’re thinking, oh, I talked to somebody recently and they kind of related to this. I mean, we can go down the manifestation road a little bit but there is something to it. You do it and then things start happening. I kind of jokingly call it what I call an action, attraction, reaction, realization. And basically the action is you’re reading the book, you’re gathering information. You seem to attract some things that come to you but you have to react and do something with what you attract I a certain way.

Going to his events. Now, I got to be honest with you. They’re very proud of their events. They’re not cheap. He’s very proud of his Cardone University sales training. He’s got several different entities. I’ve been to Growth Con, which is the big one he does every year. I’ve done it twice. The best thing… I mean, they’ve got great information and you can learn a lot of things, but he’s really an expert at gathering quality people, not just the speakers, but I mean, like the first year, Drew Brees was there, a bunch of guys from Shark Tank were there. A lot of people were there. But the people that you had lunch with, and there’s a synergy going on, you make some contacts. You may not even do business together for a while. The one of them that I met, we became partners in a small investment thing in Vegas, and we’re still in the infant stages. Anyway, he seems to have a synergy going around him. So hopefully that explains the live events a little bit.

Paula: Yeah. So birds of a feather and that networking is really part of the experience, it sounds like. These are positive thinkers and people that you want to be doing business with.

Eli: Exactly.

Paula: Exactly. Ali, welcome. I’m glad you made it.

Muhammad Ali: Thank you. Thank you so much. How are you?

Paula: Doing well. Thanks. Yourself?

Ali: Thank you. Very well. How’s it going?

Paula: It’s going really well. We just did an introduction. Those will be recorded and things like that. But I think you may know Debbie Murphy from JetBrokers.

Debbie: Hello, nice to see you.

Ali: Nice to see you too. Thank you.

Paula: And Elijah Stepp from BizAvJets USA. He’s also an investor and part of our group. And he’s been to Grant Cardone events.

Eli: Nice to meet you.

Paula: [inaudible]

Ali: Nice to meet you, sir.

Eli: Nice to meet you.

Paula: Excellent. So a couple of the things that I took away from it. I did the same thing. When I started listening to the audio, it became a different experience. I was trying to listen to at least a chapter a day. So it ended up being about a 14 day period. 8t did start making more sense after, I would say, the second week, like you said. It is very repetitive but the fact that you’re listening to it in audio doesn’t bother you so much. And you start to go, you know what, I need to start thinking along these lines. And what I’ve been doing during this 14 day period, specifically, is building our team and starting to think about we need to do team meetings. I need to be spending less time doing graphics and doing this and doing that and more time doing sales because that’s what’s going to grow my business. How do I make my business 10 times bigger? This is what I need to do to get that done and I happen to be going through that process right now. There are no coincidences, right? So happening to meet people like Ali and of course the people that we’re working with.

We really should be structuring this in a way that we could be 10 times the size that we are and keep the same quality. There’s no reason we can’t do that other than my own mind, which has kept us… I have to control the quality, I have to control this, I have to control all this. I mean, Ali will tell you I’ve been just crazy control freak over the last several months as far as some of the things that we’re putting together.

Ali: Very much [inaudible]. I have been talking with you for a couple of months and the main thing I got from you is the quality is very necessary for the client as well because there is no compromise on the quality from the client side as well because they are [inaudible] the business as well. I also prefer because I also own a social media management company, in house social media management company. I have 2 to 4 team members in a house where you can and say supporting me and graphics and business development as well. But my focus also is to build a client relationship and provide more quality work as we are doing with you as well. So there is no compromise on that. I received a lot of notes from you. And I really appreciate it because we have been doing business with several clients in the social media management agency, just like real estate, crypto, NFTs. Aviation is a little different. I would like to add some more points that working with you, I just noticed and realized that the aviation industry also needs some boost in social media because they… [crosstalk] [inaudible]

Paula: I really do.

Ali: It’s because there is a low presence and their message is not coming very well from the aviation side industry. Who are the privates, who have some jets or some sort of training institute? They have a very low spending on the marketing side. If they want to grow in this 2022, they have to spend more on the marketing side and the social media side because everyone in the morning started to scroll down Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook, what’s going on around the world.

Paula: Of course.

Ali: If they get the right message from the reputable aviation industry or the private jets industry, they will definitely look into their profiles and make booking reservations for their personal travels or anything else.

Coming back to the quality side. Yes, there are a lot of people who don’t counter the quality but the aviation industry I think has the more core role in the quality side because if they produce low quality, definitely they will lose their sales as well.

Paula: Definitely.

Ali: So they are marketing themselves because after sales. If they get the right marketing, they will get the right sales as well. So you are the most prominent and a good leader in this industry. You combined all of us in one platform, where we are all delivering and making each other, similar to networking as well. We are growing and learning a lot from you as well because in the aviation industry, you have a vast experience since 15 years you are working as [inaudible] and marketing strategist as well.

So I am learning a lot day by day. And I would also like to make some network connections with some other people who are working in the aviation side and the graphics side. And I look forward to working in a long term collaboration with you and the client as well. I’m thankful to you and the other members for having me here to say some words. Thank you so much for that.

Paula: You’re welcome. And if there’s one person to watch in the industry as far as quality of graphics… I don’t know if this is going the right direction, depending on which [inaudible]. Debbie is the master. She does graphics for JetBrokers and she does fantastic infographics where she puts a whole bunch of information in a very small space. She’s been doing it for a number of years and things like that.

Debbie: I don’t actually look to other aviation folks for my inspiration.

Paula: You look at [inaudible]. You look at other industries.

Debbie: Yeah. Well, that’s who our clients are. There are some aviation people who are our clients but we’re selling planes to owners. I mean, sometimes they’re aviation businesses, sometimes they’re just businesses or high net worth individuals.

Paula: Right. But the graphics that you put together, I think, are really setting the standard because, at least in the industry, there is not really… There are some companies who are doing a really nice job of quality of their images, super sharp, branded, consistent, meaningful, relevant images and things. But when it comes back around to… The lesson that I took from the Grant Cardone book is I cannot be spending the kind of time that it takes to produce that kind of quality and grow the business at the same time. So that was kind of my message here, is how am I going to make my business 10 times bigger. If it takes me one year, if it takes me five years, I cannot do that, doing what I’m doing now. And that’s a hard lesson. It’s hard to listen to, it’s hard to hear. But I think he does a nice job of communicating that.

Debbie: It’s good to figure out a new way to solve your problems. If you’re going to have an increased goal, you cannot do the same thing you were doing.

Paula: Right.

Debbie: So you either have to change the method of your working or hire people to help you or something. If it was the same thing, it’s certainly not going to increase your business, your sales.

Paula: Right. One thing I’ve seen, Eli, that you’re doing is not just motivating yourself, but you’re motivating other people. How has that impacted your business? You kind of have taken his baton and are passing it along to other people.

Eli: Thank you for your comments. I’m finding out I’m attracting some business doing some motivational things. I have a journal I put together called the Abundant Prosperity Traits. It’s basically just seven affirmations on what I call freedom, gratitude, confidence, happiness, positivity, improvement, and enjoyment. I’m sharing those. In fact, I just started sharing videos. I’m getting some good traction from people responding. I’ve been saying these for about five years to myself. I’m finding out I should have shared it because you’re a little embarrassed to share [inaudible] because what are they going to think and everything. It’s like, [inaudible] but just get out of your shell and start doing it. I’m finding I’m getting much more gratification if somebody responds or I felt like I kind of motivated them and in some way.

I will say Cardone’s good about that, too in some of his other books. I forget. It’s called something… Be Awesome or Be Average or something along those lines. Great message in that book. So I’ve tried to take some of that and put that together. I’m also finding that people like to connect in a way and then I call it the indirect success. [inaudible] you meet, and then you start talking, you connect in a certain way because they like something you said or you like what they said. And then it turns into a relationship that turns into maybe a connection that you can do business together. So I’m trying to do that. I appreciate you mentioning it. Thank you.

Paula: Another thing, I guess, Dave Santo, he runs Aerostar, which is one of the flight schools that we work with. It’s not enough to read something in a book. What he does is he does what they do in the medical industry, and he’s applied it to a flight school. Basically, you see one, do one, teach one. And if you’ve done those three things, then the material. I mean, it’s one thing to read a book, and everybody reads these books, and they just kind of nod along, and go, “Oh, yeah, I knew that.” But it’s a different thing when you take out your pen… I’ve been doing this for a long time because I’m kind of a FranklinCovey nerd … and write down your goals, like, physically. There’s something about that that’s different than putting it into my computer.

Debbie: I have to do the same thing. I think it’s how you learn to manage your time.

Paula: Yeah. I don’t know if that’s because I’m old, because I grew up writing with a pen. That is how important things go in here. Things that are not confirmed yet are things that are in the future, whatever. Those go on the computer, but for the next day, I write down my appointments that are confirmed. And I write down the goals that I actually have and I’m going to accomplish, and it becomes real when I use a pen. I’m not sure what that magical thing is. But that’s one of the things that he recommends. I think Stephen Covey and a bunch of other people that we’ve been reading do the same thing. I don’t know if you guys have any methods that you employ from that.

Debbie: I do a similar method but I used to write down my goals on Monday.

Paula: Okay.

Debbie: From Friday, I write them down so that it’s… And I look at that the rest of the week. I don’t write them every day. I have a sheet that I look at. It does help me with the things I really want to accomplish. That kind of makes me do it.

Paula: Yeah, that’s for sure.

Debbie: But I also have a real methodology of what I do every day. That’s how I get a lot of work done. I don’t spend a lot of time thinking about how I’m going to do it.

Paula: And you 10X things by batching. You figure out this is what I need to do, and you do those batches in a way that saves you a ton of time. So you get 10 times the results with one time…

Debbie: I had to learn because I am older. When I started in this business, doing marketing, we did print marketing. Sometimes you did email marketing but there was no social media to be done, no websites either. So I had to learn to take the print way we did marketing, and get into pieces that people could digest in shorter periods of time and share more often. So that’s kind of what I do. Figure out the big picture, then I feed it all into all those other things. It’s actually easier for me because I did it the other way, because I understand the big picture. I look at it from that point of view.

Paula: Right. And you’ve modified that to use the technology to 10 times what you were doing before.

Debbie: And it’s great. The technology helps.

Paula: Yeah, it does.

Ali: Very much [inaudible] a lot. There are a lot of tools, just like we are using the best Canva [inaudible]. One of the wonderful tools we are using for project management as well. And for scheduling, we are using a very good tool as well. So we have less effort, quality work, and on time work as well.

Paula: Right. We’re using Basecamp for project management. And usually using Meet Edgar for scheduling. I know you can schedule directly from Canva. I’ve not had as much [crosstalk] luck with that as well.

Ali: Yes.

Paula: But anyway, there’s lots of ways to… even if you’re doing copywriting, if you’re doing websites, if you’re doing sales. I’m batching my sales activities, so that I’m doing LinkedIn outreach, is one of the things, using our prospecting workshop outlines. The first step is a LinkedIn outreach where I research somebody, and then I reach out to them on LinkedIn. I have this nice little notepad, where I have my basic message. And then I customize the first paragraph and I paste it out there, I hit send, I go to the next one, read about them, I customize that first paragraph and I hit send. I don’t use the Robots because I think there’s way too much spam in the world for prospecting and for sales in the aviation industry. I get so many messages wanting to sell me an airplane. I mean, they don’t know who I am.

Debbie: Irrelevant, right? Like you [crosstalk] figured it out.

Paula: Right. Or Bitcoin or something.

Eli: That’s always a crypto. Right.

Paula: Yeah, and which is really sad because crypto is great. There’s a lot of things about it that are fantastic.

Debbie: I don’t think we’re going to sell airplanes by email messages or little messages on social media. It takes a lot more touches [crosstalk] for people to trust you.

Paula: I’m parting out a Super Puma or something. And I’m getting a message on my LinkedIn that somebody is parting out a Super Puma. And I’m like, okay, if I had that particular type of helicopter, and I were interested in your parts, then that would be cool. But the targeting is just way off. You can tell it’s just robots.

Debbie: You can tell they haven’t done any research.

Paula: Right. Eli, did you have any particular techniques that you’ve found for sales or marketing that you’ve…

Eli: Well, in all honesty, and some ways I’m just getting going as far as because I started the consulting business. It’s been more through physical networking, to be honest with you. But I have connected with people on LinkedIn, like a finance type, local to Las Vegas, who said, “Hey, I’d like to kind of talk to you and have lunch.” So I did. Not that I was really interested in changing my financial investment portfolio. But then he introduced me to a gentleman named Jordan Adler, who is the author of Beach Money. He’s very successful. And that turned into us chartering a Falcon 2000 to go to Los Angeles and back just for fun was fun as a group.

Paula: Fun. Yes.

Eli: We did that. And I didn’t make money on it. It was a breakeven type of thing. But I’m finding out personal touches through LinkedIn more than the other social media and acknowledgement back and forth. And just like has already been mentioned, it takes a few touches. Basically, that’s what I’m doing, is networking directly with individuals, have a soft touch to begin with, and see where it goes. I do have kind of a trust in the universe or whatever.

Paula: [inaudible]

Eli: If it’s meant to be, this person and I are going to connect in a certain way and go from there. I would like to grow faster. Don’t get me wrong. [inaudible] and all those things, because on LinkedIn, I love to connect with… I’m probably just wanting too many connections. But if they look halfway respectable, I connect. Unfortunately, I wouldn’t tell someone though because as soon as I connect, they come back with the sales pitch. It’s like, oh, my gosh, that’s not what you want to do here. I know you may have this. Do you have time for a minute or a presentation? And it’s like, you just met me. So I’m trying not to do that myself.

Debbie: You wonder if they’ve ever done networking in person because if you walked up to a person that you’ve met at an event, and immediately threw a sales pitch up, they’ll turn around and walk away from you. It’s like [inaudible] not how you behave.

Eli: Exactly. One of the other things I’m doing too…

Ali: [inaudible]

Eli: Go ahead. I’m sorry.

Ali: No, you may continue.

Eli: Okay. One of the things we’re doing too is really inquiring about their business and say how can your business benefit me? Can I pick your brain about what you do? So that’s some of the things. The gentleman I mentioned, Jordan Adler, he’s way up in a company called SendOutCards. They’ve renamed [inaudible]. Obviously, he went on one of my trips. And I said, “I’m sorry. [inaudible] Jordan. I love you.”

Paula: Yeah. It’s a great product, by the way.

Eli: Yeah. Because I try to stay active in that as well. One of the things that we’re doing is reaching out to internet marketers or online marketers, I should say, and say, “Hey, I see what you do. Could you tell me more about your product? And maybe take a look at this SendOutCards page and tell me what you would do better.” So then you’re showing interest in their business. And who knows, you may hire them for something, you may have them do something for you. But it’s more of a I’m interested in what you do. Can you give me some direction? But what can happen is this, what do you do with this card thing? Maybe it’ll work for me. But you’re not saying, hey, sign up for my card thing. What I want you to do is tell me how I can do it better. And then if it’s meant to be, they may be interested in. And then it’s meant to be. What are you doing in aviation? Well, there may be something. I guess I’m going to say it’s more of a meant to be strategy I’m using.

Paula: Right. And the whole seek first to understand Stephen Covey principle, I think, falls into this really well. I don’t know that Grant Cardone went really deep into the… because a lot of this is so effort driven, and things like that. I think it can come across the wrong way, if people misinterpret it or maybe take it too far, and come off as abrasive or come off as too aggressive. But if you add that into it, where you’re seeking first to help or seeking first to understand or putting the other person first, that takes the edge off. For me, it takes the anxiety off too.

Debbie: Yeah. [crosstalk] It’s a good way of networking.

Eli: Yeah, I agree. Some folks really don’t like Cardone, to be honest with you. He’s straightforward. He’s kind of in your face. And this is where it should be. There’s a softer side. I have a little bit of a softer side in some ways. But with any of these events you go to, I like to say it’s like you’re gathering ingredients for your cake. You’re going to bake a little flour here, a little sugar here and everything. Now I’m waiting for the recipe.

Paula: Very good.

Eli: I’m going to have a really good [inaudible]

Debbie: Here’s the leavening, I think, right? Kind of raises your…

Paula: Exactly. He just sums it up.

Eli: That’s made these events much more enjoyable because sometimes you go to these and say, well, I did everything you said, and it didn’t work. Well, maybe not supposed to. You’re just supposed to take a piece of that, and then build your own thing. It’s much more enjoyable to go into these [inaudible] when you look at [crosstalk] it like that.

Debbie: And you have to keep working at it. Nothing [crosstalk] [inaudible]

Eli: Exactly.

Debbie: A year is probably not going to do it. You’ve got to change how you work forever, probably.

Eli: I agree.

Debbie: I see [inaudible] what he’s saying.

Paula: And if you look at his story, not just… I mean, sometimes people speak louder by who they are, rather than what they say. If you look at his story, as opposed to what’s coming out of his book, it took him a long time to go from being a homeless person to being successful. It takes all of us a long time. I talk to my son all the time about how he wants to… things are just not moving fast enough for him. He’s doing all the right stuff, and it’s just not working yet. And I’m like, “Dude, you’re barely thirty.”

Debbie: [inaudible]

Paula: You’re not ready to retire yet.

Eli: I got to tell you. I started the thing I call Start Late Finish Great. I’ve been an A&P mechanic, and I’ve sold aircraft maintenance and everything. In some ways, I’m just starting out. I feel like I’m young. You can start anytime, and if you have the right attitude about it, it’s a little bit less stressful now because, well, what if he doesn’t make it? So what? I’m at the end of my career anyway, and I’m ready to have some fun. I got a lot of context. Why not?

Debbie: Yeah, I think we need to have fun too.

Ali: Yeah. Very much.

Debbie: I’m in the same place you are. I’m old now, working still, but I’ve added the having fun into the [inaudible]

Eli: I agree. Well, think about it. Look at the friends we built over the years. And I want to keep going to the shows and seeing my friends that I’ve built over the years. Now it’s more of a fun thing, especially if I continue my own business and semi-retire, per se. And now people are so active until they’re like ninety.

Paula: Exactly. And what’s interesting is the people who are coming to the NBAA conventions and things like that just to see their friends and things like that. I feel much more successful at making connections and selling and everything else than the people who are there for the first time, and they’re all great guns, and they’re loaded for bear and they’re handing their business card in there all over you.

Debbie: You have to build relationships.

Paula: First.

Debbie: You’re much more likely to do business with somebody [crosstalk] [inaudible]

Eli: I agree.

Debbie: You can have some level of trust.

Eli: Right.

Paula: I agree. So yeah, I would say with that caveat, the 10X… As long as you are willing to take five years to 10X. Yes, we’re going 10X this. Yes [crosstalk] [inaudible]. Go ahead.

Eli: I think the average overnight success is only twenty-five years or something.

Paula: Right.

Ali: That is the [crosstalk] most [inaudible]

Debbie: How do I 10X the having fun part too, like not just work? [inaudible] other things. [inaudible]

Ali: I would like to add something here. In our previous experience with the NFTs and the cryptomarket, they basically launched their website, they developed the marketplace, they have done so much in the background. But when it comes to the marketing on the sales side, they are in a hurry that we should sell it out in one day or two days. Literally, I’ve done a lot of projects in crypto and the NFTs but they fail to understand that things will take some time. When you come to develop something, it takes some time to develop at a certain level. When it comes to sale, it will also take some time to, in a certain position, make your first sale, but they are in a hurry and they want their money back as soon as possible. They don’t want to develop the communities. They don’t want to engage with them. They don’t want to share their profit as well. So they are looking to become rich in one day or overnight. And things also in real life…

If I can share my experience. When we started as a social media management agency in house agency, we all lost our jobs. We didn’t have any one project in our hands in those times. But now at present we have successfully completed 60 to 70 projects around the world. So it never comes overnight. It takes one and half years to come to that level and we have some connections now. We have good sales now. But in real time as Paul said, “My son is saying that things are not working,” my subordinates, the mighty members also at that time, were pushing me a lot. “This is not going to work. This is not going to work. We are wasting our time.” I push them always to just stay consistent and focused. We will definitely grow. Things take time and definitely will grow. And right now in that position, I must say that I am a successful social media manager in a certain level, not a higher level, in a certain level. But we grew and we got some business. But it takes a lot of energy, effort, coworkers consistency, relationship built up, quality work. Everything matters a lot.

Paula: Yes, absolutely. You may not want to 10 times your business, but you may want to 5 times, and it’s the same principle. And you may want to take longer. That’s fine, too. But I love the fact that we’re all kind of making that shift of, why not? Why not be 10 times the size we are now? And what would it take to get from here to there? Exactly.

Everybody can share one more thing, and then we’ll kind of close out because I know we’re running out of time. I think one of my favorite things from this is that success is your duty. The concept that success is your obligation. You are not put here on this earth to be mediocre and to basically watch TV every night, stay in the same place, see the same people, and not inspire anyone and not do any good. You are given certain talents, certain networks of people and all of these gifts, and you have to use them. I have never thought of it that way. I’ve always thought of… and a lot of the folks in the community where I live, it’s kind of like you want to be modest and you want to…

Eli: Right. Humble.

Paula: Yeah. And let other people shine. That’s true. Especially for women. You don’t want to let other people shine at the expense of using your own gifts and keeping your mouth shut when you should be helping someone. So I think that was my biggest takeaway from the book, if I had to boil it down to one thing. And maybe we can go around the room and everybody share your one takeaway, and then we’ll pitch out if that’s all right. Debbie maybe…

Debbie: I’m not sure what my one takeaway was because I didn’t finish reading the book.

Ali: Me too.

Debbie: I agree with the level of effort. If you want to succeed, you have to have a very high level of effort. And to thoughtfully use your effort, not just turning up. I agree with that. I have a very high level of effort.

Paula: Yeah, don’t decrease your expectations. Increase.

Debbie: Yeah. And figure out how to do something better, like increase your business or do what you do better, make it more productive. I do that all the time. I totally agree with that.

Paula: Right. Exactly.

Ali: One thing I would like to add is that I go to the depth of the product or the customers. I ask too many questions. Sometimes I feel resistance from the client side that why are you asking too much? First, I have mentioned to them that if I would know about the project or the product, I may be able to deliver at your expectations, what you’re expecting from me. So be willing, be open to share your ideas, give them information. So they come out to you. It’s not all about the sales. If you’re not getting the sale, but you are getting a good connection, network connections. He comes and says, hello, hi, how are you? I got a lot of information from you. You have a good experience. That matters a lot for me because everything is not about the business sometimes. This is also a way to succeed in life as well.

Paula: Yeah, it’s about people, not about money. I mean, money is secondary to… If you help people succeed, [crosstalk] then the money will come.

Ali: Exactly.

Debbie: Building relationships.

Ali: Building relationships.

Eli: In one of his books… I can’t remember since I’ve listened to like 3 of his books.

Paula: Yeah. [crosstalk] [inaudible]

Eli: Exactly. He was talking to his uncle, and he told his uncle what he wanted to do. And his uncle said to him, “If you can, you must.” It goes along with success is your responsibility. If you can, you must. The other thing I just wanted to say is the change of mindset by thinking… He’s [inaudible] a good thing when he says 10X. You could say 108, whatever it is. But we’ll think of a certain range because the people in our circle maybe make 200,000, maybe somebody’s, wow, they make 300,000. So that’s your limit. But you need to go way beyond that, in my opinion, and in my goals.

I wouldn’t share this with every group but since you guys listened to the book. I mean, I’ve got goals of a $100 million portfolio and a billion dollar portfolio. That means that can happen with real estate. Things like that doesn’t mean cash. So you start building things in real estate. In fact, I’m looking at office space right now, which I had never done before. Maybe it’ll work out, maybe it won’t, but in some of our businesses where you’re in business together, you might need some property that makes money whether it’s a multi apartment complex or… I know office space isn’t as hot now, but if they’ve got long term agreements there and it’s for sale, then then you’re looking at income and other ways that can enhance your business. Obviously, it makes more contact. Anyway, my takeaway is think bigger and if you can, you must.

Paula: Totally. I love that. And I love the fact that you combine aviation with other things. Aviation with Blockchain, aviation with NFT.

Eli: I try.

Paula: Think in terms of those combinations. That’s another way to 10X this, add something to it. All right. Let’s go ahead and pitch out and then we’ll close out for today. I’ll stay on if anybody has any questions or anything like that. But I’m Paula Williams, ABCI. We help aviation companies sell more of their products and services.

Debbie: I’m Debbie Murphy with JetBrokers. We help our clients buy and sell jets.

Eli: I’m Eli Stepp, BizAvJets Aviation consulting and BizAvJets USA magazine and we accept advertisements.

Paula: Absolutely.

Ali: My name is Ali. I’m a freelancer. We are doing social media management and we are an in house social media management team. Feel free to connect us anytime.

Eli: Ali, feel free to reach out to me [inaudible]

Ali: Sure, sir. Thank you.

Paula: Have a lovely afternoon. Thank you, everybody.

Eli: Take care. Thanks for handling. Thanks for the invite.

Paula: You’re very welcome.