I just wrapped up an awesome workshop on effective networking and building a strong online presence. We always learn a lot from the participants in these sessions – Ben Neivert of DBT.Aero, Stella Bouldin our talented digital copywriter, and Kellie Rittenhouse, CAM  of Hangar Aviation Management in Michigan. Gene from Great Circle Aircraft also joined us and shared his vast industry knowledge.

We dove into the challenges of online networking. The main issues were finding the right people, knowing what to say, and dealing with AI bots and fake profiles. Ben mentioned how tough it is to break the ice, especially in large groups, and we all agreed that LinkedIn has made finding the right connections easier.

Our agenda was packed. We covered everything from building a killer LinkedIn profile to using tools like ChatGPT. I emphasized the importance of customizing your profile URL, having a professional photo, and writing a compelling summary filled with the right keywords. We even did a live profile review for Ben, which was super insightful.

I also introduced Circle, our online network where clients can connect, share resources, and get feedback. It’s a fantastic tool for networking and building a community.

One of the highlights was discussing “Follow Fridays.” I encouraged everyone to set aside time every Friday to connect with new people on LinkedIn. It’s a great way to build your network consistently without getting overwhelmed. We also talked about the importance of writing personalized recommendations for those who impress us.

Overall, it was a productive session with lots of great tips and strategies for maximizing LinkedIn and other online tools for networking. Thanks to everyone who joined, and I’m looking forward to continuing these conversations in our next workshop!

0:00:000:01:31 Welcome to the workshop. We’re happy you’re here. Stella, please manage the chat and share the workbook. I’m Paula Williams from ABCI, helping aviation companies sell their products. Let’s do introductions: Ben, Stella, and Kelly.

0:01:310:02:09 Ben Nyvert from DBT Aero: We’re developing an efficient UAV and a six to nine-passenger aircraft. Stella: I’m in hot weather with rolling blackouts due to the heat. I’m a digital copywriter for Paula and other companies, excelling in case studies and travel pieces.

0:02:090:03:20 Please answer the poll: What’s your biggest challenge with networking online? Kelly Rittenhouse: I’m the director of aviation for Hangar Aviation Management in Michigan. We’re very busy and I’m trying to work on my personal brand. Kelly is always juggling many tasks and managing calls from various locations. I have many ideas but struggle to find time.

0:03:200:04:56 Gene Clow from Great Circle Aircraft: We’re an aircraft brokerage in Kirkland, Washington. Gene is a mentor and very knowledgeable about the industry. Answer the poll: What’s your biggest challenge with networking online? Options: Finding the right people, knowing what to say, AI bots, and unreal people. Responses are mixed. LinkedIn has made finding the right people easier.

0:04:560:07:17 Ben: I do better in small groups and find it challenging to talk to large groups and online. Paula: It can be difficult even with family. Ben: My family talks all at once, so no awkward silences. Stella: I encounter AI bots and unreal people online.

0:07:170:12:48 Paula: Online profiles can be misleading. Kelly: Consistency and time management are challenging. Paula: Avoiding rabbit holes in conversations online is crucial. Gene: Time management online is difficult. Paula: Poll results show challenges with networking online. LinkedIn is most effective for our clients.

0:12:480:14:53 Agenda: Networking and online marketing, building your online presence, networking strategies, maximizing opportunities, making an offer, and using LinkedIn and ChatGPT.

0:14:530:19:37 Building your online profile: Customize your profile URL, use a professional photo, utilize your LinkedIn banner, write a compelling summary, and optimize your profile with keywords. These steps help you stand out and attract the right connections.

0:19:370:29:28 Reviewing Ben’s profile: It’s important to have a detailed about section and a clear background image with keywords. Consider adding an introductory video for a personal touch. Gene discusses having multiple LinkedIn profiles and the importance of consolidating them.

0:29:280:38:53 Exploring Circle: An online network for connecting clients and sharing resources. It’s useful for feedback, sharing wins, and pitching products. Building a community helps in connecting clients and creating referral opportunities.

0:38:530:44:03 Time management: Implement “Follow Fridays” to routinely connect with new people on LinkedIn. Use filters to find relevant connections and craft personalized messages to start conversations. Writing recommendations for others can also enhance networking.

0:44:030:54:41 Strategies for LinkedIn: Look at notifications, do targeted searches, and engage with posts. Different ways to network include looking at industry-specific posts and connecting with founders in your area. Setting aside consistent time for networking helps in growing your profile and connections.

0:54:410:55:00 Wrap-up: Thank you for participating. We’ll continue the conversation in future sessions. Feel free to stay for Q&A or connect later.