“They Ask, You Answer” is one that enters the conversations in our Office Hours with clients regularly, so it was great to devote a month to reading it and an hour to talking about it with John and Stella!

The philosophy of “TAYA” is a definite departure from a lot of tradition in aviation marketing, and in many ways for the better!

0:00:000:05:00 Welcome to this month’s book club, discussing Marcus Sheridan’s “They Ask, You Answer.” John, Paula and Stella share initial impressions of the book, focusing on its relevance to customer engagement and FAQs.

0:05:010:10:00 Discussion on the importance of FAQs in marketing strategies. Stella emphasizes that while it’s okay to use questions from other sites, answers should be original to each company. They talk about the benefits of using FAQs in newsletters and other marketing materials. Paula highlights how FAQs can help both customers and machines (like Search Engines and AI) by providing structured data.

0:10:010:15:00 John shares his approach to FAQs, emphasizing the importance of updating statistical data regularly. Paula and Stella discuss how FAQs can serve as base material for other marketing content, such as newsletters, social media posts, and podcasts. They highlight the significance of transparency and detailed answers in building trust with customers.

0:15:010:20:00 The conversation shifts to the topic of pricing transparency. Paula explains the aviation industry’s reluctance to list prices due to the complexity and fear of being undercut. They discuss the benefits of having a pricing guide and the importance of transparency in building customer trust. John shares personal experiences where transparency influenced his purchasing decisions.

0:20:010:25:00 Further discussion on the balance between transparency and protecting competitive advantage. They mention the effectiveness of detailed videos showing company processes without revealing trade secrets. Paula, John and Stella agree on the importance of justifying higher prices with clear explanations and detailed processes.

0:25:010:30:00 Paula talks about the generational differences in attitudes toward transparency and social media sharing. They discuss how companies can leverage the unique aspects of their staff and processes to create compelling content. Paula introduces the idea of using storytelling models to frame marketing content effectively.

0:30:010:35:00 The topic shifts to the cultural aspects of privacy and transparency. Paula reflects on her decision to disclose working with an international team, which ultimately benefited clients. They discuss the evolving standards of transparency in business and how companies can navigate these changes thoughtfully.

0:35:010:40:00 Stella highlights the distinction between brand marketing and content marketing. They discuss the effectiveness of content marketing for newer companies and the importance of balancing brand equity with informative content. They reflect on the lessons from previous book club discussions and how they apply to current marketing strategies.

0:40:010:45:00 Final thoughts on “They Ask, You Answer.” All three rate the book highly, appreciating its practical advice for engaging customers through FAQs and transparent marketing. They discuss the upcoming book club selection, “Trade Show 411,” and share experiences and tips for successful trade show strategies.

0:45:01 – End Paula wraps up the discussion, expressing excitement for the next month’s book and its relevance to the trade show season. They recall successful trade show tactics, emphasizing creativity and engagement to attract visitors. The session concludes with a reminder to think outside the box and continually adapt marketing strategies to stand out in competitive environments.