The Art and Science of Getting It All Done, and Getting Better Every Time!

If you’re doing something more than once, you should make a system out of it.

This is particularly true about sales and marketing, which is based on relationships, which are based on repeated actions and interactions.

Not that you should become a robot, but you SHOULD plan and prioritize tasks that are the most important to your business.

In this live workshop, we share six processes or systems we use within OUR sales and marketing system. Feel free to steal, adapt, and make them your own!

Featured aviation marketing processes:

  • Prospecting
  • Consultations & Demos
  • Onboarding
  • Resales Recaptures & Referrals
  • Trade Shows
  • Recapture Campaigns

In this live workshop, we explore essential sales and marketing processes that can streamline your workflow and improve results over time. The session focuses on six key processes critical in aviation marketing (and beyond) for building lasting relationships:

0:00:00 – Introduction and Overview
We introduce the topic of creating systems for repeated tasks, focusing on the importance of planning and prioritizing tasks that matter most.

0:03:01 – Prospecting
Learn how to find and connect with potential customers using simple tools like Google Sheets, focusing on keeping the process straightforward and adaptable.

0:14:17 – Consultations & Demos
Move from an initial connection to meaningful conversations that address client pain points and lead to actionable next steps. This section covers how to customize consultations to fit specific client needs.

0:32:38 – Onboarding
Discover the importance of a well-structured onboarding process that ensures new clients see value quickly. Learn tips for creating a seamless start-to-finish experience.

0:41:06 – Resales, Recaptures & Referrals
Understand how to keep existing clients engaged, convert “not yet” buyers, and generate referrals through relationship maintenance and timely follow-ups.

0:48:00 – Trade Shows
Explore how to integrate trade show engagement into your year-round marketing strategy, with a focus on building relationships rather than just making sales.

0:52:00 – Recapture Campaigns
Learn how to re-engage past leads or clients with personalized outreach that aligns with their current needs, ensuring you maximize every opportunity.

Main Takeaway: Focus on defining processes that work for your business and market before investing in complex tools. Keep it simple, consistent, and let your marketing system do the heavy lifting so that sales become a natural outcome.