People ask us about Twitter marketing for aviation, and Twitter PR for aviation.
You don’t need to have a catastrophic oil spill to worry about your company’s reputation online. There are many reasons that someone would want to impact your company’s reputation online, and most of them are bad.
A great example pulled from the headlines – a creative twitter user grabbed the name BPGlobalPR and began tweeting as if they were BP Global Public Relations.
Whether these twitter impostors and “online performance comedians” are actually fooling anybody, or breaking any laws, or even actually funny, is beside the point.
The key point here is that you have an opportunity to control your company’s image online. If you don’t choose to exercise that opportunity, you make it possible for this sort of thing to happen. Whether your company is big or small, famous or low-key, there is simple way to prevent this sort of damage.
- Register your company name, product names, and any other words or phrases that are likely identifiers to your company on Twitter.
- Establish a “real” PR presence in the social media. Don’t leave a vacuum.
- Have a policy for your employees about social media. Define topics and themes they can and can’t discuss online about your company.
- Watch the social media. Do a search at least once a week for your company name and other key terms so that you can make decisions about mentions (good or bad) as they develop.

The spoof BP Global Public Relations Twitter site has a large following and is still “live” as of today (5/26). How many of these people followed because they thought it was the “real” BP and how many are simply enjoying the “comedy?”
Need help with a social media policy or program? Email us. We specialize in helping aviation companies manage their online presence.
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