We created this free webinar as an illustration of a marketing campaign, but also to answer these questions about the most traditional marketing activity – aviation trade shows!
- “How do I follow up after aviation trade shows?”
- “What do I do with this pile of business cards I collected at NBAA?”
- “Everybody tells me to follow up, but what exactly should I be doing with these?”
- “How do I get the most out of these contacts without driving them crazy?”
- “I spent a ton of money on the trade show, I don’t have a lot left for follow up. How can I maximize these dollars?”
We talk about how to get warm contacts during a trade show, but spend most of the time in this video sorting our warm contacts into an “A list,” “B list” and “C list” based on the likelihood of doing business with them, and using a slightly different follow up process for each.
The idea is to use your money, and even more importantly, your time, in the most effective possible way.
Other articles about Aviation Trade Shows that you might find helpful:
AMHF 0036 – Aviation Marketing Trade Show Secrets –
The biggest aviation trade show marketing secrets are not really secrets. In fact, it’s those very things that you think should be SO OBVIOUS but NOBODY SEEMS TO DO THEM. In decades of attending aviation trade shows as a buyer, seller, and consultant, we see that maybe ten percent of companies actually do what they say they know they should do.
Aviation Trade Show Disasters and How to Avoid Them
Trade shows are a huge, and very powerful part of the marketing plans for MANY aviation companies. Of course, they are also a big investment. We talk about four common trade show mistakes and what to do instead.
Aviation Trade Shows – A Book Club Discussion – Trade shows by Steve Miller
Book club conversation – How to Get the Most out of Trade Shows by Steve Miller
Rich people have big libraries. Poor people have big TVs.
Jim Rohn
We discuss one popular book each month, from the perspective of the aviation industry!
Here’s another webinar we created-
Three Ways to Make Your Next Trade Show Your Most Successful Ever.
Trade Show Ideas with Brett Ryden
Please note –
There are some audio problems with this recording, but we know you’ll find the information provided will reward your patience.
Let’s move on to another one, the product demo.
Paula Williams:Â Brett, do you have any thoughts about product demos?
Brett Ryden: Personally I think, again, it depends on the products and what you’re trying to sell, but in general, I think fantastic to touch, feel, I mean, you can hand someone a brochure.
And that’s great and that’s nice, or you can hand them but at the end of the day, if you’ve got a product that they can touch, feel, see and watch it work, that goes a long way. Just at the snow symposium that I was at. This year there was no equipment.
And it was fine, it was interesting. But the years when there’s equipment. And you can go up and touch and feel that stuff, fantastic. You’ve got electronics and digital. Software and you can show someone how it can work and make your job work better, more efficiently, get more hours out of your employees.
You’ve got my attention. So yeah, I think product demos, when done properly, geared to your target audience who’s at that show, fantastic idea.
Paula Williams: Right. And that’s really why you’re there. Anything else you can do on the web these days, but getting your customers’ hands on your product is something you can only do in person.
So that’s really ideal. The poker run. Now this is one where you need some partners, and here’s something that I think everybody should write down right now. Stop what you’re doing and write this down. Nobody gets rich alone, right. We all have partners, suppliers and other folks. So, we’ve done poker runs.
Brett Ryden: We were just out at a show in Portland. They were doing that there. I was at another show that they were doing it at.
And it’s funny, it depends on how many you get in your booth. If it’s the whole show doing it, it almost comes to the point you gotta be selective who you give it to. Who’s your client? Do you want to give it out to the first 30 people that come, or do you really want to wait til that person comes that’s important and get him to stop at your booth?
But I like your idea and I agree that if you can get a group of people to do it, people love that. And they like going through and spending the time to win a prize. And I think one of the great things is that it forces them to stop at your booth and have a conversation with you.
And now you have a choice of where that conversation goes.
Paula Williams: Exactly. Exactly. Right. So getting people’s hands on the product. We just wanted to show you a couple of examples.