Everything Starts with a First Impression – Personal Branding for Aviation Professionals
78% of purchasing managers look up a salesperson online before they agree to meet with him or her. They may use Google, or Facebook, or your company website for your personal profile, but most times, they start with LinkedIn.
Does your online image accurately represent the “real thing?”
Not just for job-hunters!
Rabbi Daniel Lapin says, “unless you’re a Supreme Court Justice or a tenured university professor, you’re in sales!”
And if you’re in sales, you have to make a great first impression!
Attention to your Personal Brand Isn’t Vanity, It’s Good Judgement!
Ten years ago, the only people that had to worry about personal branding were movie stars, celebrities and job-seekers.
Things have changed!
We look up potential new hires online, sure, but we also look up salespeople to see if they know what they’re talking about and if anybody we know has had a good or bad experience with them. We look up business partners to see if they appear to be as connected and up-to-date as they say they are.
But many of us hesitate when it comes to our own profile. How do we showcase our accomplishments without selling ourselves short or sounding like a self-involved braggart?
It takes some practice to hit the right tone, particularly one that resonates in the aviation industry.