Our very own “Page Six” with the latest gossip about aviation sales and marketing professionals!
Here’s what our Insiders are up to this month:
Hakar Torres-
- Graduate of our Aviation Sales Basics Course
- Founder of Air Market Group
- Just graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Aviation/Airway Management and Operations
- From Everglades University
Noor Al Majali
- Almost graduate of our Aviation Sales Basics Course
- (has two more modules to complete)
- Jordan Aeronautical Systems Company
- Dinner and honoring ceremony after the completion of a project

Sherry Chaput
- Marketing Lab Member
- Founder/Owner of Avion Trace Group, LLC
- AeroEngines Panel Discussion- Understanding USM Strategies
- International aviation Women’s Association (IAWA)
- Pilot program to introduce aviation and aerospace in the Osceola Magnet School for 10-12 year olds
Larry Hinebaugh
- Marketing Lab Member.
- Established a nonprofit (Foundation for Business Aircraft Records Excellence)
Launching an educational initiative for business aircraft logbooks - Kicking off an effort to collaborate with large MROs and Management companies, Insurance companies, financial institutions, universities and foundations (in other words, people who lose money when logbooks are terrible!)