Examples of Aviation Video Marketing

Transcript – Seven Examples of Aviation Video Marketing

Paula Williams: So we’re going to go ahead and get started. Today, we’re talking about using video in Aviation Marketing, and I’ve got… Thank you, Karla, for sending your videos and I’ve also got about a few others, one or two-minute videos, that we wanted to share and just kind of talk about. So.

Karla Roberts: Great.

Paula: But first, I wanted to share some of the statistics about using video because I don’t know if anybody… I think everybody knows how important it is to be using video, but I don’t know if anybody knows exactly how important it is. We just appreciate you being here, and being part of the community, and contributing your knowledge and things like that. So, I’ll go first. I’m Paula Williams of ABCI. Our mission is to help aviation companies sell more of their products and services and we do whatever it takes, whether that is websites, video, social media, trade shows, whatever it takes to get them the sales that they need.

John Williams: John Williams and I work for her. I do most of the back-end stuff for the company, including augmented reality and editing.

Paula: A lot of editing.

John: So, I think Chip maybe next?

Chip Allen: I’m Chip Allen. I am the Cub Crafters dealer for the Southeast. So, we live in the tailwheel world and always looking for ways to sell more airplanes.

Paula: Fantastic. John’s one of those then. Alright, who’s next?

John: I grew up learning to fly a J5.

Chip: I learned to fly a J3 many, many, many years ago and I’ve never lost the passion for tailwheel airplanes.

John: Yes, I get it.

Paula: Good to have you here, Chip. How about Karla? Do you want to go next?

Karla: Yeah. Hi there. Can you hear me now?

Paula: Yes, we can. Thank you.

Karla: Okay. So, hi I’m Karla Roberts. I am the owner of Motive Learning and I actually am an Instructional Designer and Video producer by trade. So I’m interested in this topic today, I’ve been producing videos for thirty-plus years, and like to see what we’re going to talk about. With marketing, mainly we do training though for aviation and aerospace companies, so my instructional design background is where I come into play where I can basically create instructional videos.

Paula: We’re going to be talking about two of yours today, Karla. So, thank you for volunteering.

Karla: Thanks.

Paula: Hal, how about you?

Hal Stephens: Oh, Okay. Yeah. Hal Stephens, my company is Sapphire Aviation Solutions. I primarily deal with the pre-purchase inspections or customer oversight, whether it be buying and selling the aircraft or a large maintenance project. I’m based in Montreal, Canada, dual citizen. However, I haven’t been down in the States in a while, but looking forward to my first trip down there, once the COVID gets settled. That’s about it just enjoying the beautiful day here.

Paula: Fantastic.

Hal: My friends still think I have snow here. It was eighty-eight degrees the pool’s filled, ready to go.

Paula: Wow! Oh, that’s cool. It’s probably really neat being a dual citizen because I know a lot of people have had a really hard time traveling this year.

Hal: Yes, that’s correct. Yeah, I can go down to this States. I couldn’t go down to the States. I haven’t been there since March of 2020, I could have gone down there in April, well maybe not April, but the latter part of last year. But coming back into Canada, you have to quarantine for two weeks, and I just don’t have a large enough house to quarantine for two weeks. I have to go live in the shed or something, you know, that type of thing. Well, my business has picked up since November of last year I’ve been busy in Canada, which is very good and I just delivered my first goal of 7500 last week.

Paula: Oh, congratulations. That’s great.

Hal: Thank you. Thank you for having me today, this was really nice.

Paula: Yeah, We appreciate you guys being here, this is always fun to just chat with people who are in the industry about some of the things that are working and not working for them because you’re where it’s at. I mean, we can read books all day long, we can talk about marketing theory all day long but it’s the real people in the real industry that has the real information that everybody wants to know.
I’m going to share my screen, I’m going to share some stats about video marketing that you probably already know, but they kind of blew me away. This is produced by a company called InVideo, which of course is in the business of producing video. So you have to take the source into account. They’re going to tell us all of the good information and none of the bad, but their information is pretty verifiable. I’ve seen this in multiple sources they just put it together in a neat way. So, a couple of the things that really stood out to me. One of them is that one-third of all online activity is spent watching videos. Not reading blog posts, not surfing the web, not clicking links, not doing anything else but watching videos. I don’t think that’s ever been true, until this year. Six out of ten people prefer watching online video content over television.

John: Wow.

Paula: Yeah, I mean, that tells me that what they like about it is that they can choose what they’re watching, it’s a little bit more tailored to them. That’s the only reason that I can think of, and there are typically fewer commercials or at least the commercials are a little bit more navigable than television has gotten so commercially full of stuff lately. But what do you guys think about this? Are you watching more videos now than you were before?

Karla: Well, I’ve always been a film buff so I’ve always been watching television and visual materials but it’s true. I think why it’s of course with the online viewership now they’ve made it so easy. And of course, everybody’s cutting the cable, right? Or cutting the cord is what they say.

Paula: Yeah.

Karla: So I have heard that even just compared to reading books, that seventy-five percent of people would rather watch a video than watch and then read a book, nowadays, or documents. So that’s interesting in itself, that we have just gotten into this total visual world.

Paula: Right. In fact, I had someone suggest to me a while back that we switch our book club for a video club or a podcast club. Have everybody listen to a podcast or watch a video instead of reading a book for a book club.

Karla: That’s an interesting idea.

Paula: I know. So untraditional.

Karla: They’re actually writing a script right now and the opening line is from the movie Bad Teacher, where she said that movies are the next books. And I hope that that’s not really true. Because you can get so much more out of reading and you can, of course, elaborate on the story and such but going back to what you just said, it’s a lot easier to listen to a half-hour podcast. Talk about that than to come back and read a book for some of us who can’t read books in a day, which some people can.

Paula: Yeah, right. Exactly. One other item that came out, mobile dominates video consumption. So, seventy-five percent of videos are played on mobile devices, and Hal, I know you’re on your iPhone right now so you probably spend a lot of time on it, does that sound right to you? That seventy-five percent of videos are played on mobile devices?


Paula: Uh-oh. We might be frozen.

Karla: Oh, Well, I think he’s getting set up. Hal, go ahead and interrupt me. But I think it is very interesting if you have younger people in your household. You’ll see them watching their videos on their phone.

Paula: Yeah.

Karla: More than a bigger screen.

Paula: Right. And another thing that struck me is seventy percent of millennials, and millennials are turning forty now so this is not what we think of as millennials.

Karla: True. We got Gen X, right? Lower than that and- [crosstalk]

Paula: Yeah. Seventy percent of millennials prefer to watch videos in portrait mode on their phone, and we found this to be really true with some of our flight school clients and things like that where they have a younger demographic. People are watching more of those portrait videos and things like that. It’s pretty crazy to me, but.

Karla: And I’ll just interject, it’s that one of the things that I talk about, I actually teach a film class, and when I do the history of movie pictures or motion pictures is that we talk about Nickelodeon’s and back in the late 1800s these Nickelodeon’s came out. And of course, people are seeing these moving pictures and are wowed by them just like we are today, right? We’re just mesmerized by anything moving, but back then you’re looking at a very small Nickelodeon, you’re putting your face and it’s only costing you a nickel but you’re looking at a very small image, and guess what we’re doing today a hundred years later plus.

Paula: We’re doing the same thing.

Karla: We’re doing the same thing.

Paula: Right, okay. One more stat and then we’ll move on to the movies that we’ve got lined up. YouTube is the most popular platform among marketers for sharing videos, followed by Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. TikTok didn’t make the list, but I know that’s very popular with some of our flight schools and some of the younger set. But if you don’t have a YouTube channel, this is something that we talked with I think every one of our clients has brought this up to us, at least once in the last six months, is we need to think about now or in the future, building a YouTube channel with playlist and the whole nine yards and really using all the features of that because it’s really, you have the opportunity to build a TV channel, and why would you not do that? If you have the opportunity to do that just for the cost of producing the videos, YouTube doesn’t charge you anything. Of course, they will stick commercials in between your videos and other things. There is a cost to it in that way, but financially, you sure can’t beat the opportunity as a marketer to really show your product rather than tell. So, I figured we’d do these two first, these are the ones Karla, that you sent. And then, this first one, I think we just want to do the first, maybe two minutes of it if that’s alright with you? I wanted to show the interactivity of it.

Karla: Yeah, exactly. If you put your cursor back you can see that there’ll be some interactivity at those timings.

Paula: Exactly. So you guys can see my screen right? You’re seeing… I’m going to start this video from the beginning, but this is a video that you’ve produced, or is that one of your-? [crosstalk]

Karla: No, I created this.

Paula: Okay, cool. Let’s go ahead and take a look.

Karla: It is a marketing video for one of our customers, JBT Aerotech.

Paula: Okay.

Karla: Hopefully it’ll start playing.

Paula: Right? Exactly. I’ve got everything- [crosstalk]

Karla: You might want to refresh the page if it’s been sitting there for a while.

Paula: Yeah, it has been sitting here for about half an hour, so let’s try this.

Karla: If that works.

Paula: There we go.

Karla: Yeah, there we go.

Man in the video: Have you considered the benefits of going electric?

Paula: So when it stops and I have to actually click something to move on. Have I considered the benefits of going electric? Should I choose yes or no Karla here?

Karla: Well, if you’re going to watch the video, I’d say yes. Let’s go.

Paula: Okay, we’ll say yes.

Karla: We’ll say yes. Let’s be positive.

Man in the video: Fewer moving parts result in less frequent maintenance. Providing a faster return on investment.

John: Turn your volume up, Paula.

Paula: Sorry?

John: Turn up your volume on the video.

Man in the video: And know the total cost of ownership. Of course- [crosstalk]

Karla: So, that last little one was just showing that you can annotate on the video.

Paula: Right. So there’s actually a clickable item here, want more information, I could click there if I wanted to. I also like these icons here about these are kind of bookmarks? Have you considered the benefits of going electric? FedEx is close by, those kinds of things.

Man in the video: Choosing the Commander 30i Electric, provides all the benefits of a standard JBT commander lower, including the ability to control, easy maintenance, and long-term value.

Paula: And then I’ve got a click here to email.

Man in the video: Just meets industry requirement. But once it is tailored to your specific needs. The commander 30i Electric motor features common but flexible designs. They are also easy to operate with a large install and familiar features.

Paula: Okay, so I think that’s probably most of the interactive features that I wanted to cover. If you don’t mind we stop that there just so that we can go over some more videos as well. But a couple of things that I love about this is that it is HD. You can tell I’ve got a really high-resolution screen and this looks so good. A lot of us now have broadband and we have the HD capability and everything else, and when you can see really high-resolution footage, it looks so clean and so perfect compared to everything else that’s out there.
So that really stands out and also the interactivity, I think is really cool for a marketing opportunity.

Karla: Right. the tool that I use actually, talking about HD, and obviously if you put things on YouTube, they will playback in HD like you said if you have the bandwidth to be able to support that. But this was actually being played back off a Vimeo and it’s the same type of technology that it streams based on what your connection is.

Paula: Right. So if you’re not seeing this in HD, it’s because of your connection, not because of the video.

Karla: Correct.

Paula: So it will play whatever it will support. And tell me about the interactivity, that is something that you storyboard with a client, and you’re using a software tool to make that work.

Karla: Well, to be honest, what we’re doing is about the last during Covid, I always do like we have pre-Covid, we have during Covid, right? And we’re about out of Covid, right?

Paula: Hopefully, right?

Karla: So during Covid, I started looking into the interactive video to be able to enhance the instructional videos that I had. As well as but then really where a lot of video marketing or interactive video is actually being marketed to is from marketing efforts. So, you saw there, the call to action. Like, click here for more information. You can keep that available the entire time somebody is watching a video. If there’s something important like the email to maintenance, that was one of the ones. So I actually just put these in and just took a few minutes, just to show an example of what you could do with interactivity in a video.

Paula: Right.

Karla: Yeah, and to answer your question, you would have to think this out ahead of time, but I actually created this video pre-Covid. So we didn’t think about it. So I was just putting some things in there, that made sense to me, to share some examples.

Paula: That is nifty. That’s really cool. I really liked that. So, let’s move on to the next one. Chip or Hal, did you have any thoughts or questions, or comments on this one?

Chip: I never really thought about the videos that much, and interactive but I like it a lot.

Paula: Yeah, especially if people have it right there in their hand, they don’t have to get up and walk to the TV like I used to when I was a kid. I was the remote control when I was little.

Karla: You were the interactive piece.

Paula: I was the interactive piece. Right, exactly. Okay, the second one is also from Motive Learning and this is from Karla’s company and one of the cool things about this is that it is embedded in her homepage. This is happening a lot with people who are designing websites, new from scratch. Nowadays, they’re wanting a video on their homepage that’s an introduction because people would rather see than read, you know, watch a video than read. And it’s a really good way to introduce your company. So I like you to watch the first few minutes, I think this one is only about three minutes. So, two minutes, thirty seconds.

Karla: And you can see it is on YouTube, so it does open up in a window, and plays it off on YouTube.

Paula: Yeah.

John: Turn the volume up.

Paula: That’s the highest it’ll go, John.

John: Oh.

Karla: I can tell you that it introduces our product, the qualification management system that we built called MotiveLMS. And so we’re trying to give the reasons why you need this and how it works. And so what I was hoping for feedback from the group today is more of this is the 2D type of animations, so pretty quick and easy to build.

Paula: Yeah.

Karla: Using some tools that are available, I just wanted to see what your feedback is now that you’ve seen kind of the HD live-action version of marketing videos and now you’re looking at a 2D version. Do you think that there are any pros and cons, any differences? Would you look at this differently?

Paula: Cool. Oops, I’m gonna stop that there. I like the cartoony feel of that because you’re trying to explain something that’s kind of complex and people will throw up their hands if they feel like this is something that Mickey, my son as a math tutor, and whenever somebody hears something technical, they have a tendency to throw up their hands and say “I don’t understand this.” But the 2D super simple cartoony feel of this really keeps that from happening. They go, “Okay you’re saying some words that I don’t know but that’s okay because I can follow because this is super simple, it looks super simple and it looks like fun.” So, I think the subject matches the media there.

Karla: Okay.

Paula: What do you think, John?

John: I’ve never thought about it in those terms.

Paula: Yeah? Do you like the 2D or would you like everything to be 3D live-action HD fabulousness?

John: Well, the two videos we’ve seen so far, vastly different matching clients today.

Paula: Yeah.

John: But I’m not so sure for the real live video.

Paula: Form follows function.

John: You’re in the age of cartoons. When I see cartoons, I think I’ll sit back and nap out.

Paula: [laughs] Right?

John: But I’m not the target market, so it probably works well.

Chip: I think it probably works well for the targeted market, I’m not a big fan of the 2D. I’d like to rather watch the first video than the second one.

Karla: Okay.

Chip: We just overhauled our website about six months ago and we did just what you said, we’ve got a video on the homepage. And it has been extremely well received. It’s short.

Karla: Okay.

Paula: That’s fantastic.

Chip: The whole point of that is where we’re not really selling airplanes, we’re selling a lifestyle. And the whole idea is to take these airplanes, go out and have fun with them.

Paula: Yeah.

Karla: Oh, that’s a great idea correlating that to your childhood. I thought that was fantastic.

Paula: Right. there’s a lot in there, there’s the live-action video, there’s the nostalgia, there were the cuts to the past, the balsa wood airplanes kind of brings people back to America dreaming about this and now you can really do it. I really like that. Can I ask you, is that something, I mean, obviously you probably worked with a professional company and did a storyboard. What was the process like to produce that video?

Chip: Actually, the guy that put this together, that- I was flying one of the airplanes that were one of the camera airplanes. The guy that actually put this together was formerly the marketing manager for Cub Crafters.

Paula: Oh, nice.

Chip: He had since gone out on his own and he does a lot of professional marketing and videos and stuff for Sears and still does some work for Cub Crafters and I pulled this one really out of our archives because it conveys what I want my website to convey and that’s to buy an airplane, go out and have a good time with it.

Paula: Great, and there is no way you can get that across in two minutes with words on your website, or any other way that I could think of. Feel free to name-drop if you want to mention his name. I know a few of the players in the industry, but I don’t know that I know who you’re talking about.

Chip: His name is John Bliss.

Paula: John Bliss.

Chip: John lives out in Yakima, Washington. His company is called JONDERFiN. I have no idea where that came from. But he’s a good friend and does really beautiful work. We also have him do design workups for us for paint jobs on customer’s airplanes.

Paula: Great. Well, that’s fantastic and obviously, that is something that takes a little bit of commitment on your part to do because this was not cheap to produce. I can see from here that this was not cheap to produce. And it always takes longer than you expect but this is a great investment I think, for your website. I don’t think you could represent, I can’t think of anything that you could do better to represent the Carbon Cub and what people want from that airplane.

Karla: Right. Everybody wants to have that smile on their face like that one pilot.

Paula: And take you back to when you were eight years old, thinking this is what I want to do. Right. That’s pretty, really, really powerful.

Karla: I’ll just bring up the fact that, so going back because we were just talking about the 2D versus live-action, those are beautiful shots that they got. I love it when the plane came in, you know, the second plane came in so beautifully done. But it does go back to that the 2D is very inexpensive to produce.

Paula: Exactly.

Karla: To be honest that’s the reason why you see a lot of them nowadays.

Paula: Right, which is one thing that I wanted to mention here if anybody is considering doing video or dipping their foot into video, thinking that they need to do a seasoned by the mill production like this one. You don’t want to be intimidated by the fabulous things that there are in the field because a lot of people are producing very short, very inexpensive videos that are just as, they’re not just effective, they’re not something you would put on your homepage but they are something you would put on a weekly basis on your social media. So there are different levels of video for different purposes and the rest of the ones that we’re going to look at are kind of short and inexpensive versions where we’re just explaining a concept through introducing a person or something like that. So I’m gonna move on to the next unless there’s anything else, anyone wanted to add about Chip’s fabulous contribution? Thank you for that, that was a surprise today.

Karla: I don’t know if this is the place, l can tell you, you had a lot of short clips, right? The video kept moving because there were lots of quick shots.

Paula: Yeah.

Karla: And that’s kind of what you want to think about when you’re creating videos too, is to keep the message moving. Like just that to be more modern now, is to do exactly what they did with those quick shots.

Paula: Right, since we’re talking about millennials being forty now, you know, that’s something that happened this year. Those are kids that grew up with MTV and they grew up with the two minutes Sesame Street. I mean, I grew up with Sesame Street, you know. I mean, if the video doesn’t capture my attention within the first fifteen seconds I move on to something else. You know, that’s a flaw in my character, or that’s just the way people are nowadays, I don’t know.
Okay, so this one I’m going to share is actually from Aerostar which is one of our clients and this is a less produced video. This is something that we shot in an hour. We spent an hour shooting with these guys and we produced eight videos for them from those shots. So, super inexpensive compared to what we just saw and I want you to adjust your expectations and just take a look at this one. And this is just introducing a person and what I want you to see is, is this somebody that you would want to have as your client instructor, and why?

Sherrie Harvey: My name is Sherrie Harvey, and I am the 141 Program Manager and I am also a flight instructor at Aerostar.


Sherrie: I got started in aviation actually in my early 20s, with a guy that I was dating, my boyfriend. He’s also a cargo pilot and he had an aircraft and we flew everywhere. The next thing I know I was handling the radios, the comms, I got hooked on it, and I decided to start taking lessons. I got my private pilot license at a local flight school and shortly thereafter I bought my first plane, a Piper Cherokee 180 and I use that for business and continued my training with that aircraft.


Sherrie: Fashion accessory business. So I used my airplane to go on buying trips like in New York, in upstate New York and I went to New York City and other areas for doing my purchasing for the goods for my store. Yeah, that was actually a lot of fun. It was great.


Sherrie: Later on in life, I have prayed and got a Piper Saratoga which is a great cross-country machine.


Sherrie: Did some additional training with that. It was better for business and then I’ve always been into aviation. I’ve always been on the aircraft and still be today.


Sherrie: Yeah, we just like to invite everyone to visit our website with 141 site which is becomeapilot.us.


Paula: Let me just finish that up. A couple of things about this, they want to produce something every week on their social media and on their Youtube channel and so we have a low budget, they’re shooting the video themselves, they have a flight student shooting video. It varies in quality from one shot to the next. This is still really really effective with their market which is high school kids who are used to those vacation videos and things like that. So it’s an interesting thing.

Karla: When you brought up the fact on using, there were some photos that were used which is again another cost-effective way of filling and getting a visual across, as well. Then, of course, you kept it moving with the animations, so that keeps people engaged. It all works, all the pieces work and people are used to home videos now. I mean, gone are the days where you have a high-dollar production, and you can get away with it now, honestly.

Paula: Right, and there are some brands that actually benefit from this because it looks more transparent, it looks more authentic to that demographic, you know a lot of times than a slick-produced, we hired an expensive producer kind of movies. Of course, Chip’s demographic is completely different where his, I’m guessing Chip and you can tell me if you think I’m smoking something here but I’m guessing your target customer is a little bit older and so they are used to the more produced, the more polished commercials. Whereas the demographics for Aerostar are looking for something that’s super transparent at something that their best friend did as opposed to something that a corporation did.

Chip: Absolutely agree. Our target is age fifty to seventy. Retired or semi-retired with enough in their account.

Paula: Yeah, and these guys are looking for fifteen to twenty-year-olds. So it’s kind of the opposite end of the spectrum. I also wanted to share this one because this is very, very different and this is super low budget, as well.

Paula: We’ll just go ahead and play it.


Paula: So this one is just barely even a video.


Paula: And yet, that is more effective than a blog posting the same thing. Here are the reasons that you need an aircraft broker as opposed to doing it yourself.

Karla: And I’ll just jump in here because, and I’m learning too about marketing, but the things that I’ve noticed of last year since I’ve been thinking about these things is that graphic-

Chip: She’s getting back that one you just showed, man, I like that.

Paula: Do you?

Chip: I’m an aircraft broker at least and have a hard time trying to convince an aircraft owner that he needs a broker.

Paula: Right?

Chip: Most of them said, “I don’t need a broker, I’ll just load up on my customers and sell it.”

Paula: Yeah.

Chip: Well, maybe. Maybe not.

Paula: I’ll just throw in a fun controller and Karla it looks like you’re unfrozen.

Karla: Am I? [laughs]

Paula: I am so sorry, you were in the middle of this sentence and you disappeared on us. But Chip, you’re absolutely right. It’s so much easier to convince someone of a simple point using a moving graphic and something that catches their attention because you’re not gonna convince them of anything until you first, get their attention. Second, kind of get there, there’s a boundary that gets crossed when you use humor and Karla might know a little bit more about the science behind this. But when you are experiencing humor or when you are exposed to a cartoon or a comic, there is a part of your brain that gets activated that lowers your distress and you know, makes you go, “Okay, well I’m gonna entertain this path because obviously, it’s a cartoon. So I’m not meant to take this literally.” But then you go, “You know what, that’s actually true.” So it’s a really good way to convince people of something that-

Karla: Well, what I was just gonna share earlier while watching the comic strip was the fact that it could easily be repurposed and in the sense of that, from what I can tell with marketing it’s obviously is touching all these different venues like Facebook and Instagram. As well as the fact though that Youtube is the number one search engine, right? So you have to put, even if you don’t have a video, come up with what they did and at least get a video up on Youtube.

Paula: Right, that’s exactly right. If it’s not seen, you know, that’s kind of another thing if it’s not on the search engine then it doesn’t matter how pretty your video is if nobody’s ever seen it. You know? It’s just reality, so. I got to power through a couple more and then we can talk about this as well. This one, a real simple concept video, no video in this video.

Karla: Little technical things, so this is called the Ken Burns effect when you’re using a photo and moving around the image and that’s from that documentary filmmaker Ken Burns. He developed the technique.

Paula: Yeah, yeah.


Paula: I’m gonna turn down the sounds because it’s just music. But I think, two things, one a lot of people are gonna listen to your video or watch your video without sound. So, you’ll notice most of this, the meaning is conveyed without sound. Then the second thing is this is kind of a collaborative effort between a charter company and a destination. And this destination happens to be far enough from a commercial airport that most of their clientele come by charter. So it’s really good for them to do this collaborative effort. And it’s also really good for our client which is SSC to show the thing that they’re capable of and then people will see this and go, “Okay well, I wanna go some places about a similar distance away. I don’t know what a Piper Mirage is but now I know I can get there with four people in it and do my trip more easily than taking the freaking airlines which I don’t wanna do because of any number of reasons before last year, right?

John: Yep.

Paula: Okay, also that was completely done with stock photography, Ken Burns, as you mentioned, the Ken Burns effect which makes a still image looks like a video and some easy animations. So, that’s pretty much it. I just wanted to share one other thing and I wanted to show how you can repurpose something and this is just kind of a day in the life of a company. This is such a simple thing. It is just, “Here’s what’s going on today at Turbines,” and introducing one of their machines doing this thing and it’s just kind of a behind-the-scenes view. This is actually on Instagram so just kind of showing you how you can repurpose a video. This one is just a few seconds. And this one doesn’t go bigger and I don’t think I can adjust the volume, either.

Paula: Now, weirdly, let me stop that. Weirdly, that is one of their more popular videos on Youtube. We just repurposed it on Instagram and it’s getting some views there as well. But it’s just a fifteen-second view of what’s going on in their shop. And you know, the type of people that like who it’s made videos? How I know those are produced in Canada on cable TV and a lot of people will sit there and watch how it’s made. And it’s like vending machines some things like that. Things that you might not think are interesting really are to people who are outside of your business. So if you don’t know how they set rivets, that’s gonna capture attention while you’re scrolling. That’s all we wanted to do, is just capture their attention and refer them to Turbines and get them to click through to the link and go, “Oh yeah, I need some work done.” I hope that you guys have gotten a few new ideas today, you know, of different ways to use videos that are not expensive or too intimidating or anything else? Hal, do you have a video you would like to share?

Hal: Sorry about that.

Paula: Didn’t mean to put you on the spot.

Hal: No, no. Everything’s been very informative. I don’t have any videos at my fingertips, but what I’ve seen thus far today it’s very interesting and gets you thinking better ways to market your services.

Paula: Right.

Hal: Or what message you’re trying to get across to your potential customers.

Paula: Right, exactly and I guess if there were anything I wanted to convey today it’s just trying to give you guy some ideas and maybe inspiration and I really appreciate you guys joining us for this. We’ll go back around the room and kind of introduce ourselves one more time in case people tuned in the middle of this, by the time it’s edited. That kind of thing. So I’m Paula Williams with Aviation Business Consultants International. We help aviation companies sell more of their products and services using website videos, social media, or whatever it is.

John: I’m John Williams, I work for her and wonder what she said.


Paula: Can you do whatever I say?

John: I don’t know what she said.


Hal: Smart man.

Paula: Excellent. Karla, would you like to go next or?

Karla: Yeah sure, I’m Karla Roberts and I’m an instructional designer and video producer. We help you build training to train your employees on the airport.

Paula: Right. And we some, hopefully really exciting joint ventures coming out soon that we will not talk about today.

Karla: Just think about it.

Paula: Right. Chip, would you like to go next?

Chip: I’m Chip Allen, I own SWT Aviation. We are the Southeast US dealer for Cub Crafters. So we’re all about selling tailwheel airplanes and selling an experience.

Paula: Excellent, and thank you for sharing that fantastic video. It was really an unexpected surprise.

Chip: Thank you for the fine comments, I appreciate it.

Paula: Right. Hal, how about you?

Hal: Yeah, Hal Stevens with the Sapphire Aviation Solutions. My business consists of anything to do with aircraft purchasing, whether it be a pre-purchase inspection. You trying to sell your airplane, you like to buy an airplane, oversight on the big maintenance package, I’m your man. Been in the industry for forty years and this is very enlightening, what you did today Paula and John. Thank you very much.

Karla: Thank you, you both.

Paula: Yeah. Thank you all for joining us. This is really a lot of fun to do. We do a discussion every two weeks on Monday. Either about a book, maybe soon we’ll change that to a video club or a podcast club or something like that or a topic. And so you know, watch your calendar and we’d love to have you all join us again. You guys were the most fabulous guests, and we’d love to have you talk about how this relates to you because it’s the people in the industry that really are weather hits the road and can tell us what’s working and what is not. Thank you very much and have a lovely afternoon we’ll see you next time.

Everyone: Thank you so much.

Karla: Bye.

John: Bye.

[music] [END]

Promo Video Workshop!

Aviation sales and marketing professionals are discovering the power of video.

Video can powerfully connect with prospects and customers, build credibility and trust, and move the sales process forward.
As they say, it’s the next best thing to being there in person!

The video you create in this workshop can be used in a number of ways:

  • As an introduction on your web site.
  • Use as part of your holding pattern for prospects that are not ready to purchase.
  • Post on your social media.
  • Embed in an email to prospects.

Join Now!


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One Comment

  1. fireboy and watergirl July 21, 2021 at 10:43 am

    what message you’re trying to get across to your potential customers?

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